Как показывает практика, существует ряд задач, в которых функционала контроллеров MELSEC FX уже недостаточно, а применение контроллеров MELSEC System Q неоправданно дорого. Именно для решения таких задач и предназначен контроллер серии MELSEC-System L.
Процессорный модуль компактного, но мощного модульного контроллера серии L имеет многочисленные функциональные возможности. Отличаясь превосходной экономичностью и эксплуатационной готовностью, он идеален для использования в приложениях управления среднего масштаба.
Конструкция без базового шасси обеспечивает высокую гибкость системы, обладающей минимальным форм-фактором. Модификации процессорных модулей включают в себя встроенные интерфейсы Ethernet и Mini USB, слот для карты памяти SD/SDHC, 16 каналов ввода и 8 каналов вывода для позиционирования и выполнения функций высокоскоростного счетчика. Модели высокопроизводительных процессорных модулей также имеют интерфейс CC-Link V2 Master/Local для подключения к эффективной открытой полевой шине.
Контроллер может быть дополнен в одном расширении до 10 модулей ввода/вывода и специальных функциональных модулей, реализующих дополнительные дискретные и аналоговые каналы, высокоскоростные счетчики, коммуникационные интерфейсы, простое управление движением, позиционирование и т.д. И таких расширений допускается до четырех.
Встроенная функция регистрации данных обеспечивает простой способ сбора информации для устранения неполадок, оценки эффективности, а также других целей. Встроенный в среду разработки конфигурационный инструмент упрощает настройку функции регистрации данных благодаря интерфейсу с пошаговым мастером
Компактные размеры, легкая расширяемость, возможность работы с сетями, а также множество встроенных мощных функций делает серию L идеальной для управления автономными механизмами и установками, а также для работы в качестве сетевых станций в более масштабных проектах.
L02SCPU | Процессорный модуль ПЛК L, память 20 тыс. шагов, 1024 канала ввода-вывода (до 10 модулей локально, до 30 модулей через LE6EX), адресное пространство 8192 точек, быстродействие: 60 нс/лог. инстр, порты: USB, RS-232, 16 каналов ввода, 8 каналов вывода, оконцовочная заглушка |
L02CPU-P | Процессорный модуль ПЛК L, память 20 тыс. шагов, 1024 канала ввода-вывода (до 10 модулей локально, до 30 модулей через LE6EX), адресное пространство 8192 точек, быстродействие: 40 нс/лог. инстр, порты: USB, Ethernet, поддержка SD-карт, 16 каналов ввода, 8 каналов вывода, оконцовочная заглушка |
L06CPU | Процессорный модуль ПЛК L, память 60 тыс. шагов, 4096 каналов ввода-вывода (до 10 модулей локально, до 40 модулей через LE6EX), адресное пространство 8192 точек, быстродействие: 9,5 нс/лог. инстр, порты: USB, Ethernet, поддержка SD-карт, 16 каналов ввода, 8 каналов вывода, оконцовочная заглушка |
L26CPU | Процессорный модуль ПЛК L, память 260 тыс. шагов, 4096 каналов ввода-вывода (до 10 модулей локально, до 40 модулей через LE6EX), адресное пространство: 8192 точек, быстродействие: 9.5 нс/лог. инстр, порты: USB, Ethernet, поддержка SD-карт, 16 каналов ввода, 8 каналов вывода, оконцовочная заглушка. |
L26CPU-PBT | Процессорный модуль ПЛК L, память 260 тыс. шагов, 4096 каналов ввода-вывода (до 10 модулей локально, до 40 модулей через LE6EX), адресное пространство: 8192 точек, быстродействие: 9.5 нс/лог. инстр, порты: USB, Ethernet, CC-Link II, поддержка SD-карт, 16 каналов ввода, 8 каналов вывода, оконцовочная заглушка. |
L61P | Блок питания для L-серии, вход: 100- 240 В AC, выход: 5В DC, 5A |
L63P | Блок питания для L-серии, вход: 24В DC, выход: 5В DC, 5A |
L6EXB | Интерфейсный модуль для подключения станций ввода-вывода. Выводной разъем для соединительного кабеля LC. Требует блока питания. |
L6EXE | Интерфейсный модуль для подключения станций ввода-вывода. Входной разъем для соединительного кабеля LC. Требует блока питания. |
LX10 | Модуль ввода дискретных сигналов, 16 каналов, 1 общий провод, 100-120В AC, время срабатывания: 15 мс, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
LX28 | Модуль ввода дискретных сигналов, 8 каналов, 1 общий провод, 100-240В AC, время срабатывания: 15 мс, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
LX40C6 | Модуль ввода дискретных сигналов, 16 каналов, 24В DC, Время срабатывания: 1/5/10/20/70 мс, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
LX41C4 | Модуль ввода дискретных сигналов,32 канала, 24В DC, Время срабатывания: 1/5/10/20/70 мс, 40-конт разъём |
LX42C4 | Модуль ввода дискретных сигналов 64 канала, 24В DC, Время срабатывания: 1/5/10/20/70 мс, 2х 40-конт разъёма |
LY10R2 | Модуль релейного вывода, 16 каналов, 24В DC/240В AC, 2A/точка, 8A/общий, Время срабатывания: 10 мс, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
LY41NT1P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 32 канала, 12 - 24 В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, Время срабатывания: 0.5ms, общий плюс, 40-конт. разъём, встроенная защита |
LY42NT1P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 64 канала, 12 - 24В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, Время срабатывания: 0.5 мс, общий плюс, 2х 40-конт. разъёма, встроенная защита |
LY40NT5P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 16 каналов, 12 - 24В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, Время срабатывания: 0.5 мс, общий плюс, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм, встроенная защита |
LY40PT5P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 16 каналов, 12 - 24В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, Время срабатывания: 0.5 мс, общий минус, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм, встроенная защита |
LY41PT1P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 32 канала, 12 - 24В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, время срабатывания: 0.5 мс, общий минус, 40-конт. разъём, встроенная защита |
LY42PT1P | Модуль транзисторного вывода, 64 канала, 12 - 24В DC, 0.1A/точка, 2A/общий, время срабатывания: 0.5 мс, общий минус, 2х 40-конт. разъём, встроенная защита |
LH42C4NT1P | Модуль дискретного ввода-вывода, 32 канала ввода 24В DC, время срабатывания: 1-70 мс; 32 канала транзисторного вывода, 12 - 24В DC, время срабатывания:1 мс, общий плюс, 2х 40-конт. разъём, встроенная защита |
LH42C4PT1P | Модуль дискретного ввода-вывода, 32 канала ввода 24В DC, время срабатывания: 1-70 мс; 32 канала транзисторного вывода, 12 - 24В DC, время срабатывания:1 мс, общий минус, 2х 40-конт. разъём, встроенная защита |
L60AD4 | 4 канальный модуль аналогового ввода +/-10 В, 0...20 мA, разрешение: 14 бит, класс точности +/- 0,1, время преобразования: 20/80/100 мкс/канал, буффер памяти на 10 т. точек на канал. Терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
L60AD4-2GH | 4 канальный модуль аналогового ввода с гальванической изоляцией +/-10 В, 0...20 мA, разрешение: 16 бит, класс точности +/- 0,05, время преобразования: 40 мкс/2 канала, буффер памяти на 10 т. точек на канал. Терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
L60DA4 | 4 канальный модуль аналогового вывода +/-10 В, 0...20 мA, разрешение: 14 бит, класс точности +/- 0,1, время преобразования: 20 мкс/канал, терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
L60AD2DA2 | Модуль аналогового ввода-вывода, 2 канала аналогового ввода +/-10 В, 0...20 мA, время преобразования: 20 мкс/канал; 2 канала аналогового вывода +/-10 В, 0...20 мA, время преобразования: 80 мкс/канал; разрешение 14 бит, класс точности +/- 0,2, терминальная колодка |
L60ADIL8 | Модуль аналогового ввода, 8 каналов аналогового ввода 0...20/4...20 мA, разрешение: 16 бит |
L60ADVL8 | Модуль аналогового ввода, 8 каналов аналогового ввода -10…10В, разрешение: 16 бит |
L60MD4-G | Модуль аналогового ввода универсальный, 4 канала аналогового ввода -напряжение, ток, термопары, термосопротивления |
L60TCRT4 | 4 канальный модуль управления температурой, тип подключаемых термодатчиков Pt100, диапазон измерения температур -200....850 гр С, разрешение: 0,1 гр C, время преобразования: 500/250 мс на 4 канала, тип выходного сигнала - транзисторный, тип управления ПИД с выходом ШИМ, Терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
L60TCTT4 | 4 канальный модуль управления температурой, тип подключаемых термопар: J;K;L;R;T;S;B;E;N;U, диапазон измерения температур -200....1800 гр С (в зависимости от типа датчика), разрешение: 1 гр C, время преобразования: 500/250 мс на 4 канала, тип выходного сигнала - транзисторный, тип управления ПИД с выходом ШИМ, Терминальная колодка на 18-клемм |
L60TCTT4BW | Модульуправления температурой, 4 канала, входной сигнал термопара, режим управления (нагрев, охлаждение, смешаный) |
L60TCRT4BW | Модульуправления температурой, 4 канала, входной сигнал термосопротивление типа Pt, режим управления (нагрев, охлаждение, смешаный) |
LD75D4 | Модуль позиционирования, 4 оси, линейная интерполяция на 2-/3-/4-оси, 2-х осевая круговая интерполяция, размерность координат: мм, дюйм, градус, импульс; таблица позиционирования по 600 точек на ось, макс. выходная частота: 4 млн. имп./сек., 2х 40-конт. разъёма |
LD75P4 | Модуль позиционирования, 4 оси, линейная интерполяция на 2-/3-/4-оси, 2-х осевая круговая интерполяция, размерность коодинат: мм, дюйм, градус, импульс; таблица позиционирования по 600 точек на ось, макс. выходная частота: 200тыс. имп/сек, 2х 40-конт. разъёма |
LD77MH4 | Модуль позиционирования, 4 оси, линейная интерполяция на 2-/3-/4-оси, 2-х осевая круговая интерполяция, синхронизация команд , размерность координат: мм, дюйм, градус, импульс; таблица позиционирования по 600 точек на ось, подключение к оптической шине SSCNET III |
LD77MH16 | Модуль позиционирования, 16 осей, линейная интерполяция на 2-/3-/4-оси, 2-х осевая круговая интерполяция, синхронизация команд , размерность координат: мм, дюйм, градус, импульс; таблица позиционирования по 600 точек на ось, подключение к оптической шине SSCNET III |
LJ71C24 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-232: 1 канал, RS-422/485: 1 канал, скорость передачи 2х каналов: 230.4 Кб/с |
LJ71C24-R2 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-232: 2 канала, общая скорость передачи 2х каналов: 230.4Кб/с |
LJ61BT11 | Коммуникационный модуль сети CC-Link Ver.2 станция (мастер/ведомый), 10 Мб/с, 1200 м, до 64 станций |
LJ71E71-100 | Коммуникационный модуль Ethernet: 10/100 мб, обмен с фиксированным буфером, connector (RJ45) |
ME1PB1-L | Коммуникационный модуль Profibus, ведущий |
LJ72GF15-T2 | Коммуникационный модуль оптической сети CC-Link IE Field network, 1Gbps, оптоволокно, 12000 м, 120 ведомых станций, кабели Ethernet 5-й и выше категории (UTP) |
ME1IOL6-L | головная станция CC-Link IE, оптоволокно 1 Gbps |
LJ71GF11-T2 | головная\подчиненная станция CC-Link IE, оптоволокно 1 Gbps |
L6ADP-R2 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-232, скорость передачи данных до 115,2 кБит/с |
LD62 | Высокоскоростной 2-х канальный счетчик импульсов, 1 или 2-х фазные входа напряжением 5,12 или 24 В, максимальная скорость счета до 200000 имп/сек |
LD62D | Высокоскоростной 2-х канальный дифференциальный счетчик импульсов, 1 или 2-х фазные входа напряжением 5,12 или 24 В, максимальная скорость счета до 500000 имп/сек |
L6DSPU | Дисплейный модуль, STN черно-белый, 16 символов x 4 строки |
LC06E | Кабель для соединения интерфейсных модулей L6EX, 0,6 м. |
LC10E | Кабель для соединения интерфейсных модулей L6EX, 1 м. |
LC30E | Кабель для соединения интерфейсных модулей L6EX, 3 м. |
L6EC-ET | Оконцовочная заглушка с клеммами |
Q6BAT | Батарея для L-CPU, 3 V DC; 1800 mAh |
L1MEM-2GBSD | Карта памяти объемом 2 Гбайт |
L1MEM-4GBSD | Карта памяти объемом 4 Гбайт |
CPU Specifications
Stocked Item | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | UL • cUL • CE | UL • cUL • CE | UL • cUL • CE | |
Processing Speed | LD Instruction | 40ns | 9.5ns | ||
MOV Instruction | 80ns | 19ns | |||
Program Capacity | 20k steps | 60k steps | 260k steps | ||
Memory Capacity | Program Memory (Drive 0) | 80 kB | 240 kB | 1040 kB | |
Standard RAM (Drive 3) | 128 kB | 768 kB | 768 kB | ||
Standard RAM (Drive 4) | 512 kB | 1024 kB | 2048 kB | ||
Maximum Number of Files | Program Memory | 64 programs | 124 programs | 252 programs | |
Standard RAM | 4 files (file register file, local device file, sampling trace file, and module error collection file) | ||||
Standard ROM | 128 files | 256 files | 256 files | ||
Memory Card Type | SD/SDHC | ||||
Max. Number of Intelligent Function Module Parameter Settings | Initial Setting | 2048 | 4096 | 4096 | |
Refresh | 1024 | 2048 | 2048 | ||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | With Display Module | 1.00A | 1.06A | 1.06A | 1.43A |
Without Display Module | 0.94A | 1.00A | 1.00A | 1.37A | |
Max. I/O Device Points | 8192 points (X/Y0 to X/Y1FFF) | ||||
Max. Physical I/O Points | 1024 points | 4096 points (X/Y0 to X/YFFF) | |||
Built-in CC-Link | No | No | No | Yes | |
Weight (kg) | 0.37 | 0.47 | |||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 70 x 90 x 95 | 98.5 x 90 x 95 |
CPU Built-In Input Specifications
Rated Input Voltage | 24VDC (+20%/-15%, ripple ratio within 5%) | |
Rated Input Current | 4.1mA TYP. (at 24VDC) | |
Minimum Input Response Speed | 100μs | |
Input Response Time Setting | 0.1ms/1ms/5ms/10ms/20ms/70ms | |
High-Speed Input | Number of Input Points | 6 points |
Rated Input Voltage | 24V input: 24VDC (+20%/-15%, ripple ratio within 5%) | |
Rated Input Current | 24V input: 6.0mA TYP. (at 24VDC) | |
Minimum Input Response Speed | 10μs | |
Input Response Time Setting | 0.01ms/0.1ms/0.2ms/0.4ms/0.6ms/1ms |
CPU Built-In Output Specifications
Output Type | Sink Transistor | ||||
Number of Output Points | 8 points | ||||
Rated Load Voltage | 5 to 24VDC 0.1A | ||||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 1μs or less (rated load, resistive load) | |||
ON – OFF | 1μs or less (rated load, resistive load) |
Control Unit | Pulse | ||
Positioning Control | Positioning Control Method | PTP Control (*1 ) | INC system, ABS system |
Speed-Position Switching Control | INC system | ||
Positioning Control Range | PTP Control (*1 ) | -2147483648 to 2147483647 pulse | |
Speed-Position Switching Control | 0 to 2147483647 pulse | ||
Speed Command | 0 to 200kpulse/s | ||
Acceleration/Deceleration System Selection | Automatic trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration and S-pattern acceleration/deceleration | ||
Acceleration/Deceleration Time | 0 to 32767ms | ||
Starting Time (1-Axis Linear Control) | Trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration (1-axis start): 30μs/axis | ||
Command Pulse Output | Pulse Output Method | Open collector output (5 to 24VDC), sink or source logic | |
Maximum Output Speed | 200kpulse/s | ||
Maximum Connection Distance from Drive Unit | 2m | ||
External Input | Zero Signal | 24VDC 6mA Equivalent with differential driver 20mA | |
Speed-Position Switching Signal | DC24V 4.1mA | ||
Near-Point Dog Signal | |||
Upper and Lower Limit Signal | |||
Drive Unit READY Signal | |||
Minimum Input Response Time | Zero signal: 10μs Speed-position switching signal, near-point dog signal: 100μs Upper and lower limit signal, drive unit READY signal: 2ms | ||
External Output | Deviation Counter Clear Signal | ADY signal: 2ms External output; | |
Response Time | OFF – ON | 1μs or less (rated load, resistive load) | |
ON – OFF |
Note 1: The abbreviation for Point To Point, referring to position control.
CPU Built-In I/O - High Speed Counter Specifications
Count Input Signal | Phase | 1-phase input (multiple of 1/2), CW/CCW, | |
Signal Level | 24V Input | 24VDC 6mA | |
Differential Input | EIA Standard RS-422-A differential type line driver level | ||
Counter | Maximum Counting Speed | 200kpulse/s (1-phase multiple of 2, 2-phase multiple of 4) | |
Counting Range | Binary with 32-bit code (-2147483648 to 2147483647) | ||
Type | UP/DOWN preset counter (+ ring counter function) | ||
Minimum Count Pulse Width (Duty Ratio 50%) | Phase 1 | 5μs | |
Phase 2 | 10μs | ||
Minimum Phase Differential for 2-Phase Input | 5μs | ||
Coincidence Output | Comparison Range | Binary with 32-bit code (-2147483648 to 2147483647) | |
Comparison Result | Set value < Count value; | ||
External Input | Phase Z (Preset) | 24V Input | Open collector; 24VDC 6mA |
Differential Input | EIA Standard RS-422-A differential type line driver level | ||
Function Start | 24VDC 4.1mA | ||
Latch | |||
Minimum Input Response Time | Phase Z: 10μs Function start, latch: 100μs | ||
External Output | Comparison Output | 2 points/ch | |
Output Voltage/Current | 5 to 24VDC 0.1A | ||
Output Response Time | OFF – ON | 1μs or less (rated load, resistive load) | |
ON – OFF | |||
PWM Output | Output Frequency Range | DC to 200kHz | |
Minimum ON Width | 1μs | ||
Duty Ratio | ON time can be set in increments of 0.1μs. | ||
Pulse Width Measurement | Measurement Item | Pulse width | |
Measurement Resolution | 5μs | ||
Measurement Points | 1 point/ch |
CPU Built-In Ethernet Port Specifications
Communication Mode | Full-duplex/Half-duplex | ||
Transmission Method | Base band | ||
Maximum Distance Between | 100m | ||
Maximum Number of Connectable Nodes | 10BASE-T | Maximum of cascading hub connections | |
100BASE-TX | Maximum of 2 cascading hub connections | ||
Number of Connections | TCP/IP | Total of 16 for socket communications, MELSOFT connections, and MC protocol (*1). One for FTP | |
UDP/IP | |||
Cable to Use (*2) | For 10BASE-T Connection | Cables compliant to Ethernet standards, category 3 or higher (STP/UTP cables) (*3) | |
For 100BASE-TX Connection | Cables compliant to Ethernet standards, category 5 or higher (STP cables) |
MODEL NUMBER | L61P (*1) | L63P | L63SP |
Stocked Item | S | S | S |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Input Power Supply | 100 to 240 VAC | 24 VDC (-35% to +30%) | 24 VDC (-35% to +30%) |
AC Supply Frequency | 50/60Hz (-5% to +5%) | - | - |
AC Supply Voltage Distortion Factor | Within 5% | - | - |
Maximum Input Apparent Power | 130 VA | - | - |
Maximum Input Power | - | 45W | 45W |
Inrush Current | ≤8ms @ 20A | ≤1ms @ 100A (for 24 VDC input) | 100A within 1ms |
Rated Output Current (5VDC) | 5A | ||
Allowable Momentary Power Failure Time | 10ms | 10ms (24 DC input) | Within 10ms (24 VDC input) |
Weight (kg) | 0.32 | 0.29 | 0.19 |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 45 x 90 x 95 | 29 x 90 x 95 |
Note 1: AC Power Supply included in CPU sets; L02CPU-SET, L06CPU-SET, L26CPU-SET, and L26CPU-BT-SET
Модули ввода/вывода дискретные
AC / DC Input Module
MODEL NUMBER | LX10 | LX28 | LX40C6 | LX41C4 | LX42C4 | |
Stocked Item | S | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||
Number of Input Points | 16 points | 8 points | 16 points | 32 points | 64 points | |
Rated Input Voltage | 100 to 120VAC (+10%/ -15%), 50/60Hz (±3Hz) | 100 to 240VAC (+10%/ -15%), 50/60Hz (±3Hz) | 24VDC (+20/-15%, ripple ratio within 5%) | |||
Rated Input Current | 8.2mA (100VAC, 60Hz), 6.8mA (100VAC, 50Hz) | 16.4mA (200VAC, 60Hz), 13.7mA (200VAC, 50Hz) 8.2mA (100VAC, 60Hz), 6.8mA (100VAC, 50Hz) | 6.0mA TYP. | 4.0mA TYP. | 4.0mA TYP. | |
Response Time | OFF – ON | 15ms or less (100VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | 15ms or less (100VAC 50Hz, 60Hz)10ms or less (200VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | 1ms/5ms/10ms/20ms/70ms (Initial setting is 10ms.) | ||
ON – OFF | 20ms or less (100VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | 20ms or less (100/200VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | ||||
Common Terminal Arrangement | 16 points/common | 8 points/common | 16 points, 1 common | 32 points, 1 common | 32 points, 1 common | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: input 16 points) | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 input points) | 32 points (I/O assignment: 32 input points) | 64 points (I/O assignment: 64 input point) | ||
External Connections | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 × 6 screw) | 18-point terminal block | 40-pin connector | 40-pin connector x 2 | ||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 90mA (TYP. all points ON) | 80mA (TYP. all points ON) | 90mA (TYP. all points ON) | 100mA | 120mA | |
Weight (kg) | 0.17 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.11 | 0.12 | |
Dimensions | 28.5 x 90 x 117 | 28.5 x 90 x 95 |
Digital Output Module Specifications (Relay and Triac)
MODEL NUMBER | LY10R2 (RELAY) | LY20S6 (TRIAC) | LY18R2A | LY28S1A | |
Stocked Item | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Number of Output Points | 16 points | 8 points | |||
Maximum Load Voltage | 24VDC / 240VAC | 264VAC | 264VAC 125VDC | 264VAC | |
Maximum Load Current | 2A/point, 8A/common | 0.6A/point, 4.8A/common | 2A/point | 1A/point, 8A/module | |
Protection Function | Surge Suppressor | - | CR absorber | - | CR absorber |
Fuse | - | - | - | - | |
Common Terminal Arrangement | 16 points/common | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB17) | No common (all-point independent contact) | No common (all-point independent contact) | |
Number of Occupied I/O points | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 input points) | 16 points (I/O assignment: output 16 points) | 16 points (I/O assignment: output 16 points) | 16 points (I/O assignment: output 16 points) | |
External Connections | 18-point terminal block | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 × 6 screw) | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 × 6 screw) | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 × 6 screw) | |
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 460mA (TYP. all points ON) | 300mA (TYP. all points ON) | 260mA (TYP. all points ON) | 200mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.18 | 0.19 | |
Dimensions | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Digital Output Module Specifications (Sink Transistor Output Modules)
Stocked Item | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Output Points | 16 points | 32 points | 64 points | |
Rated Load Voltage | 12 to 24VDC (+20%/-15%) | |||
Maximum Load Current | 0.5A/point, 5A common | 0.1A / point, 2A / common | ||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 0.5ms or less | ||
ON – OFF | 1ms or less (rated load, resistive load) | |||
External Supply Power | Voltage | 12 to 24VDC (+20%/-15%, ripple ratio within 5%) | ||
Current | 9mA (at 24VDC) | 13mA (at 24VDC)/common | 9mA (at 24VDC)/common | |
Common Terminal Arrangement | 16 points/common | 32 points/common | 32 points/common | |
Number of Occupied I/O points | 16 points (I/O assignment: | 32 points (I/O assignment: | 64 points (I/O assignment: 64 output points) | |
External Connections | 18-point terminal block | 40-pin connector | 40-pin connector x 2 | |
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 100mA (TYP. all points ON) | 140mA (TYP. all points ON) | 190mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.15 | 0.11 | 0.12 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Digital Output Module Specifications (Source Transistor Output Modules)
Stocked Item | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Output Points | 16 points | 32 points | 64 points | |
Rated Load Voltage | 10.2 to 28.8VDC | |||
Maximum Load Current | 0.5A / point, 5A / common | 0.1A / point, 2A / common | ||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 0.5ms or less | ||
ON – OFF | 1ms or less (rated load, resistive load) | |||
External Supply Power | Voltage | 10.2 to 28.8VDC (ripple ratio within 5%) | ||
Current | 17mA (at 24VDC) | 20mA (at 24VDC) | 20mA (at 24VDC)/common | |
Common Terminal Arrangement | 16 points/common | 32 points/common | 32 points/common | |
Number of Occupied I/O points | 16 points | 32 points | 64 points | |
External Connections | 18-point screw terminal block | 40-pin connector | 40-pin connector | |
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 100mA (TYP. all points ON) | 140mA (TYP. all points ON) | 190mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.15 | 0.11 | 0.12 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Combination I/O Modules
Stocked Item | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Number of Input Points | 32 points | ||
Rated Input Voltage | 24 VDC (ripple rate 5% or less) | ||
Rated Input Current | 4.0mA TYP (at 24 VDC) | ||
Number of Output Points | 32 points | ||
Output Type | Sink | Source | |
Rated Load Voltage | 10.2 to 28.8 VDC | ||
Maximum Load Current | 0.1A/point, 2A / commom | ||
Input Response Time | OFF – ON | 1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 70ms, or less | |
ON – OFF | 1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 70ms, or less | ||
Output Response Time | OFF – ON | 0.5ms or less | |
OFF – ON | 1ms or less | ||
External Supply Power | Voltage | 12/24 VDC (ripple rate: 5% or less) | |
Current | 9mA (at 24 VDC)/common | 20mA (at 24 VDC) / common | |
Input Common Terminal Arrangement | 32 points / common | ||
Output Common Terminal Arrangement | 32 points / common | ||
Number of Occupied I/O points | 32 points | ||
External Connections | 40-pin connector | ||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 160 mA (TYP all points ON) | 150mA (TYP all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.12 | 0.12 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 95 |
Модули ввода/вывода аналоговые
Analog I/O Modules
Analog Input and Output Modules can be added on and configured easily in GX Works2 using built-in utilities.
MODEL NUMBER | L60AD4 (ANALOG INPUT MODULE) | L60DA4 (ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | S | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog I/O Points | 4 points (ch) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog I/O | Voltage | -10 to 10VDC (Input resistance value 1MΩ) | -10 to 10VDC (External load resistance value 1kΩ to 1MΩ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (Input resistance value 250Ω) | 0 to 20mADC (External load resistance value 0Ω to 600Ω) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Output | Output | -20480 to 20479 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When Using Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accuracy | Ambient Temperature 25 ±5°C | ±0.1% (±20 digit) | ±0.1% (voltage: ±10mA, current: ±20μA) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ambient Temperature 0 to 55°C | ±0.2% (±40 digit) | ±0.3% (voltage: ±30mV, current: ±60μA) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conversion Speed | High speed: 20μs/ch; Medium speed: 80μs/ch; Low speed: 1ms/ch | 20μs/ch | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA (*2) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output Short Protection | - | Available | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Power Supply | - | 24VDC (+20%/-15%); Ripple, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Device Points Occupied | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 points for Intelligent function module) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Connections | 18-point terminal block | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.52A | 0.16A | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.19 | 0.20 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Analog I/O Modules
MODEL NUMBER | L60ADVL8 | L60ADIL8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | S | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog I/O Points | 8 points (8 ch) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog I/O | Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1.8M Ω) | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250 Ω) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Output | Output | -16384 to 16383 | -8192 to 8192 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When Using Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum Value of the Digital Output Value) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conversion Speed | 1ms/channel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V | Current: 30mA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Device Points Occupied | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Connections | 18-point terminal block | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.20A | 0.21A | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.19 | 0.19 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions | 28.5 x 90 x 117 | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
A/D Converter Module
MODEL NUMBER | L60AD4-2GH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog I/O Points | 4 points (4 channels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog I/O | Voltage | -10 to 10VDC (Input resistance value 1MΩ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (Input resistance value 250Ω) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Output | Output | -32000 to 32000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When Using Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accuracy for the Max. Value of Digital Output Value | Reference Accuracy | Within ±0.05% (±16 digit) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temp Coefficient | ±40.1ppm/°C or lower | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conversion Speed | 40μ/2 channels | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Offset/Gain Setting Count | Up to 100000 counts | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: photocoupler isolation; Between analog input channels: dual channel transformer insulation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dielectric Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VAC for 1 minute; Between analog input channels: 1000VAC for 1 minute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 points for intelligent) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Connected Terminal | 18-point terminal block | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminals with sleeve are not usable) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.76A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Combination Analog Module
MODEL NUMBER | L60AD2DA2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog Output Points | 2 points (2 channels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog Input Points | 2 points (2 channels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Input | Input | -16384 to 16383 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
With Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog Output | Voltage | -10 to 10VDC (external load resistance 1kΩ to 1MΩ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (External load resistance 0Ω to 600Ω) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog Input | Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1MΩ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DIgital Output | Output | -16384 to 16383 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
With Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution (*1) |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum Value of the Analog Output Value) (*3) |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conversion Speed | 80μ/channel (*4) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output Short Protection | Protected | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Offset/Gain Setting Count (Flash Memory Write Count) (*5) | Up to 100000 counts | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: photocoupler isolation; Between I/O channels: no isolation. Between the external power supply and analog I/O channels: transformer isolation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dielectric Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VAC for 1 minute; Between the external pwer supply and analog I/O: 500VAC for 1 minute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 points for intelligent) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Connected Terminal | 18-point terminal block | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminals with sleeve are not usable) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Power Supply | 24VDC +20%, -15%; Ripple, spike 500mVp-p or lower; Inrush current 3.5A, 1000µ or shorter; Current consumption 0.12A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.17A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.22 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Multiple Input Module
MODEL NUMBER | L60MD4-G | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Analog Input Points | 4 points (4 channels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Analog Input | Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1MΩ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Micro Voltage | -100 to 100mVDC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermocouple | Available type: 12 types K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B, U, L, PLII, W5Re/W26Re | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cold junction compensation resistor: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resistance Temperature Detector | Available type: 4 types Pt1000, Pt100, JPt100, Pt50 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Measurement method: 3-wire system | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DIgital Output | Value | Voltage, current, micro voltage: -20480 to 20479 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resistance temperature detector: Pt100 (-20 to 120°C), JPt100 (-20 to 120°C) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermocouple, Resistance temperature detector (other than the above) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
With Scaling Function | -32768 to 32767 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermocouple: B, R, S, N, PLII, W5Re/W26Re: 0.3°C K, E, J, T, U, L: 0.1°C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resistance temperature detector: Pt100 (-20 to 120°C), JPt100 (-20 to 120°C): 0.03°C Pt100 (-200 to 850°C), JPt100 (-200 to 600°C), Pt1000, Pt50: 0.1°C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accuracy | Voltage/Current/ | Ambient temperature 25±5°C: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°C: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermocouple | Ambient temperature 25±5°C: Full scale × (±0.15%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°C: Full scale × (±0.3%) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cold Junction Compensation Resistor | Temperature measured value: -100°C or higher - within ±1.0°C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temperature measured value: -150°C to -100°C - within ±2.0°C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temperature measured value: -200°C to -150°C - within ±3.0°C | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conversion Speed | 50ms/channel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output Current for Temperature Detection | Pt100, JPt100, Pt50: 1mA, Pt1000: 0.2mA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Method | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler Between input channels: Transformer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dielectric Withstand Voltage | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VACrms for 1 minute. Between input channels: 500VACrms for 1 minute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation Resistance | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher. Between input channels: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disconnection Detection | Protected | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Connected Terminal | 18-point terminal block | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminals with sleeve are not usable) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.49A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.19 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 |
Temperature Control Modules
Stocked Item | S | S | S | S | ||
Control Output | Transistor output | |||||
Number of Temperature Input Points | 4 channels/module | |||||
Type of Usable Temperature Sensors, the Temperature Measurement Range, the Resolution, and the Effect From Wiring Resistance of 1Ω | Thermocouple | Resistive thermal device | Thermocouple | Resistive thermal device | ||
Accuracy | Indication Accuracy | Ambient Temperature: | Full scale × (±0.3%) | |||
Ambient Temperature: | Full scale × (±0.7%) | |||||
Cold Junction Temperature Compensation Accuracy: (Ambient Temperature: | Temperature Process Value (PV): -100° C or More | Within ±1.0°C | - | Within ±1.0°C | - | |
Temperature Process Value (PV): -150 to -100°C | Within ±2.0°C | Within ±2.0°C | ||||
Temperature Process Value (PV): -200 to -150°C | Within ±3.0°C | Within ±3.0°C | ||||
Sampling Cycle | 250ms/4 channels, 500ms/4 channels | |||||
Control Output Cycle | 0.5 to 100.0s | |||||
Input Impedance | 1MΩ | |||||
Input Filter | 0 to 100s (0: Input filter OFF) | |||||
Sensor Correction Value Setting | -50.00 to 50.00% | |||||
Operation at Sensor Input Disconnection | Upscale processing | |||||
Temperature Control Method | PID ON/OFF pulse or two-position control | |||||
PID Constants Range | PID Constants Setting | Can be set by auto tuning | ||||
Proportional Band (P) | 0.0 to 1000.0% (0: Two-position control) | |||||
Integral Time (I) | 0 to 3600s (set 0 for P control and PD control) | |||||
Derivative Time (D) | 0 to 3600s (set 0 for P control and PI control) | |||||
Set Value (SV) Setting Range | Within the temperature range set in the thermocouple/platinum resistance thermometer to be used | |||||
Dead Band Setting Range | 0.1 to 10.0% | |||||
Transistor Output | Output Signal | ON/OFF pulse | ||||
Rated Load Voltage | 10 to 30VDC | |||||
Max. Load Current | 0.1A/point, 0.4A/common | |||||
Max. Inrush Current | 0.4A 10ms | |||||
Leakage Current at OFF | 0.1mA or less | |||||
Max. Voltage Drop at ON | 1.0VDC (TYP) at 0.1A 2.5VDC (MAX) at 0.1A | |||||
Response Time | OFF–ON: 2ms or less, ON–OFF: 2ms or less | |||||
Number of Accesses to Non-Volatile Memory | Max. 1012 times | |||||
Heater Disconnection Detection Specifications | Current Sensor | - | See L Series User’s Manual | |||
Input Accuracy | Full scale × (±1.0%) | |||||
Number of Alert Delay | 3 to 255 | |||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 intelligent points) | |||||
Number of Occupied Module | 1 | 2 | ||||
External Connection | 18-point terminal block | Two 18-point terminal blocks | ||||
Internal Current Consumption | 0.30A | 0.31A | 0.33A | 0.35A | ||
Weight (kg) | 0.18 | 0.33 | ||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 117 | 57.0 x 9 x 117 |
RTD Input Module
RTD Input Modules offer an alternative to thermocouple input modules. These work with platinum resistance termperature device (RTD) sensors. Note that RTD sensors are typically a narrower temperature range than that offered by thermocouples.
Stocked Item | S | ||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Number of Channels | 8 | ||
Output | Temperature Conversion Value | -3280 to 15620 | |
Digital Operation Value | -32768 to 32767 | ||
Applicable RTD | 9 types | ||
Measured Temperature Range | Pt100 | -20 to 120°C | -4 to 248°F |
-200 to 850°C | -328 to 1562°F | ||
JPt100 | -20 to 120°C | -4 to 248°F | |
-200 to 600°C | -328 to 1112°F | ||
Pt1000 | -200 to 850°C | -328 to 1562°F | |
Pt50 | -200 to 650°C | -328 to 1202°F | |
Ni100 | -60 to 250°C | -76 to 482°F | |
Ni120 | -60 to 250°C | -76 to 482°F | |
Ni500 | -60 to 250°C | -76 to 482°F | |
Cu100 | -180 to 200°C | -292 to 392°F | |
Cu50 | -180 to 200°C | -292 to 392°F | |
Resolution (*1) | 0.1°C | ||
Conversion Speed | 40ms/channel | ||
Number of Analog Input Points | 8 points | ||
Temperature Detecting Output Current (*2) | 1 mA | Pt100, JPt100, Pt50, Ni100, Ni120, Cu100, Cu50 | |
100µA | Pt1000, Ni500 | ||
Insulation Method | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler | ||
Withstand Voltage | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VACrms for 1 minute. Between input channels: Non-insulation | ||
Insulation Resistance | Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher . Between input channels: Non-insulation | ||
Disconnection Detection (*3) | Available | ||
Number of Occupied I/O points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||
External Connection System | 24-point spring clamp terminal block | ||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.22A | ||
Weight (kg) | 0.15 | ||
Base Unit Slots Occupied | 1 |
Information on Conversion Accuracy can be found in th MELSEC-L RTD Input Module User’s Manual.
Модули высокоскоростного счета
High-speed counter modules can be added on and configured in GX Works2 using built-in utilities.
Stocked Item | S | S | |||||||||||||||
Certifications | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||
Number of Channels | 2ch | ||||||||||||||||
Counting Speed Switch Setting | 10kpulse/s, 100kpulse/s, 200kpulse/s | 10kpulse/s, 100kpulse/s, 200kpulse/s, 500kpulse/s | |||||||||||||||
Count Input Signal | Phase | 1-phase input (multiple of 1/2), CW/CCW, 2-phase input (multiple of 1/2/4) | |||||||||||||||
Signal Level | 5/12/24VDC 2 to 5mA | EIA Standard RS-422-A differential type line driver level (Equivalent with AM26LS31) | |||||||||||||||
Counter | Maximum Counting Speed | 200kpulse/s | 500kpulse/s | ||||||||||||||
Counting Range | Binary with 32-bit code (-2147483648 to 2147483647) | ||||||||||||||||
Type | UP/DOWN preset counter (+ ring counter function) | ||||||||||||||||
Minimum Count Pulse Width (Duty Ratio 50%) |
| |||||||||||||||
Minimum Phase Differential for 2-Phase Input |
| |||||||||||||||
Comparison Output | Comparison Range | Binary with 32-bit code (-2147483648 to 2147483647) | |||||||||||||||
Comparison Result | Set value < Count value; Set value = Count value; Set value > Count value | ||||||||||||||||
External Input | Preset | 5/12/24VDC 2 to 5mA | 5/12/24VDC 2 to 5mA (Differential type line drivers conforming to EIA standard RS-422-A are also applicable.) | ||||||||||||||
Function Start | |||||||||||||||||
Minimum Input Response Time | OFF – ON | Function start: 0.5ms | |||||||||||||||
ON – OFF | Function start: 1ms | ||||||||||||||||
External Output | Comparison Output | 2 points/channel | |||||||||||||||
Output Voltage/Current | 12 to 24VDC 0.5A | ||||||||||||||||
Output Response Time | OFF – ON | 0.1ms or less (rated load, resistive load) | |||||||||||||||
ON – OFF | |||||||||||||||||
I/O Device Points Occupied | 16 points (I/O assignment: 16 points for intelligent function module) | ||||||||||||||||
External Connections | 40-pin connector | ||||||||||||||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption (A) | 0.31 | 0.36 | |||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.13 | ||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x D x H) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 95 |
Модули позиционирования
Open collector and differential line driver pulse positioning modules can be added on and configured in GX Works2 using built-in utilities.
MODEL NUMBER | LD75P1 / LD75D1 (*1) | LD75P2 / LD75D2 (*1) | LD75P4 / LD75D4 (*1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | S | S | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Control Axes | 1 axis | 2 axes | 4 axes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interpolation Function | None | 2-axis linear interpolation2-axis circular interpolation | 2-, 3-, or 4-axis linear interpolation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Control System | PTP (Point To Point) control, path control (both linear and arc can be set), speed control, speed position switching control, position-speed switching control | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Control Unit | mm, inch, degree, pulse | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Positioning Data | 600 data/axis (Can be set with GX Works2 or program.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Backup | Parameters, positioning data, and block start data can be saved on flash ROM (battery-less backup) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Positioning Control | Positioning Control System | PTP Control (*1) | Incremental system/absolute system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed-Position Switching Control | Incremental system/absolute system (*2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position-Speed Switching Control | Incremental system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Path Control | Incremental system/absolute system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Positioning Control Range | In Absolute System | –214748364.8 to 214748364.7 (μm) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Incremental System | –214748364.8 to 214748364.7 (μm) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In speed-Position Switching Control (INC Mode)/Position-Speed Switching Control | 0 to 214748364.7 (μm) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Speed-Position Switching Control (ABS Mode) (*2) | 0 to 359.99999 (degree) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed Command | 0.01 to 20000000.00 (mm/min) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration/Deceleration System Selection | Trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration, S-curve acceleration/deceleration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acceleration/Deceleration Time | 1 to 8388608 (ms) Four patterns can be set for each of acceleration time and deceleration time | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sudden Stop Deceleration Time | 1 to 8388608 (ms) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starting Time (*3) |
Factors in starting time extension. The following times will be added to the starting time in the described conditions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Wiring Connection System | 40-pin connector | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3mm² (22AWG) (for A6CON1 or A6CON4), 0.088 to 0.24mm² (28 to 24AWG) (for A6CON2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Connector For External Device | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 (sold separately) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Max. Output Pulse | LD75P1, LD75P2, LD75P4: 200kpulse/s; LD75D1, LD75D2, LD75D4: 4Mpulse/s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Max. Connection Distance Between Servos | LD75P1, LD75P2, LD75P4: 2m; LD75D1, LD75D2, LD75D4: 10m | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | LD75P1: 0.44A; | LD75P2: 0.48A; LD75D2: 0.62A | LD75P4: 0.55A; LD75D4: 0.76A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flash ROM Write Count | Max. 100000 times | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No. of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: intelligent 32 points) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x D x H) mm | 45.0 x 95.0 x 90.0 |
(For details, refer to the User’s Manual)
Модули коммуникации
Serial Communication Modules
Serial communication modules can be added on and configured in GX Works2 using pre-defined or user-defined protocols.
MODEL NUMBER | LJ71C24 | LJ71C24-R2 | ||||||||||||||||
Stocked Item | S | S | ||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||||||||||||||
Interface | ch1 | RS-232-compliance (D-Sub 9P female) | RS-232-compliance (D-Sub 9P female) | |||||||||||||||
ch2 | RS-422/485-compliance | RS-232-compliance (D-Sub 9P female) | ||||||||||||||||
Communication System | Line | Full duplex/half duplex | ||||||||||||||||
MC Protocol | Half duplex | |||||||||||||||||
Pre-Defined Protocol | Full duplex/half duplex | |||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol | ||||||||||||||||||
Bidirectional Protocol | ||||||||||||||||||
Synchronization Method | Start-stop synchronization method | |||||||||||||||||
Transmission Speed | 50bps/300bps/600bps/1200bps/2400bps/4800bps/9600bps/14.4kbps/ 19.2kbps/28.8kbps /38.4kbps/57.6kbps/115.2kbps/230.4kbps; Transmission speed 230.4kbps is only available for channel 1. Total transmission speed of two interfaces is available up to 230.4kbps.Total transmission speed of two interfaces is available up to 115.2kbps when the communication data monitoring function is used. | |||||||||||||||||
Access Cycle | MC Protocol | Processes one request during installed C24 CPU module END processing. (Number of scans that must be processed/number of link scans depends on the contents of the request.) | ||||||||||||||||
Pre-Defined Protocol | Sends or receives data when requested with the dedicated instruction (CPRTCL). | |||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol | Sends data each time a send request is issued. Can receive at any time. | |||||||||||||||||
Bidirectional Protocol | ||||||||||||||||||
Error Detection | Parity Check | All protocols and when ODD/EVEN is selected by parameter. | ||||||||||||||||
Sum Check Code | MC protocol/bidirectional protocol selected by parameter. For the pre-defined protocol, whether or not a sum check code is needed depends on the selected protocol. Nonprocedural protocol selected by user frame. | |||||||||||||||||
Transmission Control |
• DTR/DSR signal control and DC code control are selected by the user. | |||||||||||||||||
Transmission Distance (Overall Distance) | RS-232 | Maximum 15m (overall distance) | ||||||||||||||||
RS-422/485 | Maximum 1200m (overall distance) | - | ||||||||||||||||
I/O Device Points Occupied | 32 points (I/O assignment: 32 points for intelligent function module) | |||||||||||||||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption (A) | 0.39 | 0.26 | ||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.17 | 0.14 | ||||||||||||||||
Dimensions (W x D x H) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 118 | 28.5 x 90 x 99 |
Ethernet Module
MODEL NUMBER | LJ71E71-100 | |||
100BASE-TX | 10BASE-T | |||
Stocked Item | S | |||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Transmission Specifications | Data Transmission Speed | 100Mbps | 10Mbps | |
Interface | RJ45 (AUTO MDI/MDI-X) | |||
Communication Mode | Full-duplex / Half-duplex | Half-duplex | ||
Transmission Method | Base band | |||
Maximum Segment Length | 100m (length between a hub and a node) | |||
Maximum Number of Cascade Connections | Cascade connection | Cascade connection | ||
Sending/Receiving Data Storage Memory | Number of Simultaneous Open Connections | 16 connections | ||
Fixed Buffer | 1k word x 16 | |||
Random Access Buffer 6k Words | 6k words x 1 | |||
Attachment | 6k words x 1 | |||
Main Text | 960k words x 1 | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 32 points) | |||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.60A | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.18 | |||
External Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 95 x 90 |
Сетевые модули
CC-Link IE Field Master/Slave
CC-Link IE Field brings 1 Gigabit speed for cyclic, acyclic and transient data transmission to RJ45 and Cat 5e cabling infrastructure. Create mixtures of line and star topology, and maintain control over up to 120 controller or remote I/O stations simultaneously on the same network.
Stocked Item | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Network Common Memory | 32k bytes | |
Transient Transmission Capacity | 2048 bytes | |
Ethernet | Communication Speed | 1Gbps |
Connection Cable | An Ethernet cable that meets the 1000BASE-T standard (Category 5e or higher, shielded RJ45) | |
Maximum Station-to-Station Distance | 100m max. (Compliant with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B (Category 5e)) | |
Total Distance | Line topology: 12000m (when connected to 1 master station and 120 slave stations) Star topology: Depends on the system configuration | |
Number of Cascade Connections | Up to 20 | |
Transmission Path | Star, Line, Mixed Star & Line, and Ring | |
Number of Connected Stations in One Network | Master Station | 1 station |
Local Station | 120 stations (Local station or Remote I/O) (*1) | |
Maximum Number of Networks | 239 | |
Communication Method | Token passing method | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 32 points) | |
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) (A) | 0.89 | |
Weight (kg) | 0.27 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 45 x 90 x 95 |
Note 1: For CC-Link IE Field Remote I/O stations, refer to the LJ72GF15-T2 CC-Link IE Field Slave Head station.
CC-Link IE Field Slave Head Station
In place of an L Series CPU, CC-Link IE Field Slave Head Stations can be used to provide remote control over Digital I/O, Analog, Motion, High-Speed Counter, Serial Communication, and CC-Link Master/Local Station modules via CC-Link IE Field.
MODEL NUMBER | LJ72GF15-T2 (*1) |
Stocked Item | S |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE |
Transmission Speed | 1Gbps |
Network Topology | Star, Line, Mixed Star & Line, and Ring |
Communication Method | Deterministic (token passing) |
Maximum Number of Mountable Modules | 10 (120 when using extension and branch modules) |
Communication Port | CC-Link IE field network port x 2, USB port (Mini-B terminal) x 1 |
RAS Function | Network event logging, unit error logging, testing, monitoring, and error history preservation function |
Connection Cable | Ethernet cable (category 5 or higher) |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 50 x 90 x 95 |
Note 1: CC-Link IE Field network requires CC-Link IE Field Master module.
CC-Link IE Field Head Station Supported L Series I/O Modules
Power Supply (REQUIRED) | L61P | L Series PSU, 100-240VAC, 5VDC 5A | S |
L63P | L Series PSU, 24VDC, 5VDC 5A | S | |
Digital Inputs | LX10 | L Series 16pt 100-240VAC Input, Screw Terminals | S |
LX28 | L Series 8pt 100-240VAC Input, Screw Terminals | S | |
LX40C6 | L Series 16pt 24VDC Input, Sink/Source, Screw Terminals | S | |
LX41C4 | L Series 32pt 24VDC Input, Sink/Source, 40 pin Connector | S | |
LX42C4 | L Series 64pt 24VDC Input, Sink/Source, 40 pin Connector x2 | S | |
Digital Outputs | LY10R2 | L Series 16pt Relay Output, Screw Terminals | S |
LY20S6 | L Series 16pt 264VAC Triac Input, Screw Terminals | S | |
LY40NT5P | L Series 16pt 12-24VDC Sink Transistor Output, Screw Terminals | S | |
LY40PT5P | L Series 16pt 12-24VDC Source Transistor Output, Screw Terminals | S | |
LY41NT1P | L Series 32pt 12-24VDC Sink Transistor Output, 40 pin Connector | S | |
LY41PT1P | L Series 32pt 12-24VDC Source Transistor Output, 40 pin Connector | S | |
LY42NT1P | L Series 64pt 12-24VDC Sink Transistor Output, 40 pin Connector x2 | S | |
LY42PT1P | L Series 64pt 12-24VDC Source Transistor Output, 40 pin Connector x2 | S | |
Analog I/O | L60AD4 | L Series 4ch Analog Input, Voltage/Current, Scaling, Error History | S |
L60DA4 | L Series 4ch Analog Output, Voltage/Current, Scaling, Error History | S | |
Temperature Control | L60TCTT4 | L Series 4ch Temperature Control (Thermocouple) | S |
L60TCRT4 | L Series 4ch Temperature Control (PT100) | S | |
L60TCTT4BW | L Series 4ch Temperature Control (Thermocouple) with Wire Break | S | |
L60TCRT4BW | L Series 4ch Temperature Control (PT100) with Wire Break | S | |
High-Speed Counter | LD62 | L Series 2ch High-Speed Counter, 5/12/24VDC Input, 200KHz | S |
LD62D | L Series 2ch High-Speed Counter, Differential Driver Input, 500KHz | S | |
Positioning Module (*1) | LD75D4 | L Series 4-axis Pulse Positioning, 200Kpps, Positioning Data | S |
LD75P4 | L Series 4-axis Differential Driver Positioning, 4Mpps, Positioning Data | S | |
Motion Module (*1) | LD77MH4 | L Series 4-axis SSCNETIII Motion, Positioning Data Table, Cam, Encoder, Phase Compensation | S |
LD77MH16 | L Series 16-axis SSCNETIII Motion, Position Data Table, Cam, Encoder, Phase Compensation | S | |
CC-Link Interface | LJ61BT11 | L Series CC-Link Ver.2 Master/Local Station | S |
Serial Communication | LJ71C24 | L Series 2ch Serial Communication, RS-232, RS-422/485 | S |
LJ71C24-R2 | L Series 2ch Serial Communication, RS-232 x2 | S | |
End-Cover (Accessory) (*2) | L6EC-ET | L Series End-Cover with Error Output Relay | S |
CC-Link Master/Local Station
Additional CC-Link Master/Local Stations can be added on and configured in GX Works2.
Stocked Item | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Transmission Speed | 156kbps/625kbps/2.5Mbps/5Mbps/10Mbps | |
Maximum Overall Cable Distance (Maximum Transmission Distance) | 1.2 km (without repeater, varies according to the transmission speed.) | |
Maximum Number of Connected Stations (Master Station) | 64 | |
Number of Occupied Stations (Local Station) | 1 to 4 stations (The number of stations can be switched using the GX Works2 parameter setting.) | |
Maximum Number of Link Points Per System (*1) | Remote I/O (RX, RY) | 2048 points |
Remote Register (RWw) | 256 points (master station remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station) | |
Remote Register (RWr) | 256 points (remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station master station) | |
Number of Link Points Per Station (*1) | Remote I/O (RX, RY) | 32 points (local station is 30 points) |
Remote Register (RWw) | 4 points (master station remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station) | |
Remote Register (RWr) | 4 points (remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station master station) | |
Transmission Path | Bus (RS-485) | |
RAS Function | Automatic return function; Slave station cut-off function; | |
Connection Cable | CC-Link dedicated cables compatible with Ver.1.10 | |
I/O Device Points Occupied | 32 points (I/O assignment: 32 points for intelligent function module) | |
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.46A | |
Weight (kg) | 0.15 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 118 |
Note 1: Indicates the number of link points for Remote net Ver.1 mode.
IO Link Master
Stocked Item | - | ||
Number of Ports | 6 | ||
Port Configuration | IO-Link, Digital output (SIO mode), Digital input (SIO mode), Disabled | ||
IO-Link Mode | Rated Voltage | 24 VDC | |
Rated Output Current (C/Q) | 15 mA | ||
Rated Sensor/Actuator Supply Current (L+) | 200 mA | ||
SIO Mode | Digital Input | Input Type | Sink |
Rated Voltage | 24 VDC | ||
Internal Pull-Down Current (C/Q) | 5 mA | ||
Input Filter (HW and SW) | 200 μs | ||
Digital Output | Rated Voltage | 24 VDC | |
Rated Output Current (C/Q) | 200 mA Max. current per port (sum of C and L+): 215 mA | ||
Rated Sensor/Actuator Supply Current (L+) | |||
Output Type | Push-pull | ||
Port Disabled | Communication Line (C/Q) | Switched OFF | |
Sensor/Actuator Supply Line Switched OFF (L+) | |||
Protection Functions | Communication Line (C/Q) | Over-current, over-load and short-circuit | |
Sensor/Actuator Supply Line (L+) | |||
Insulation Method | Between the I/O Terminals and PLC Power Supply | Photocoupler isolation | |
Between Channels | No isolation | ||
Dielectric Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: | ||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: | ||
Number of I/O Occupied Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 32 points) | ||
External Wiring Connection System | 18-points terminal block | ||
Cable Specification | Cable Type | Unshielded cable | |
Maximum Length | 20 m | ||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² | ||
Overall Loop Resistance | 6 Ω | ||
Effective Line Capacitance | 3 nF | ||
Applicable Solderless Terminals | R1.25-3 (Solderless terminals with sleeves cannot be used) | ||
External Supply Power | Voltage | 24 VDC (+20%, -15%); ripple, spike within 500mVP-P In order to keep the specified IO-Link output voltage levels (L+ line) the external supply voltage must be higher than 22 VDC | |
Current (A) | The sum current on the L- lines must not exceed 1.7 | ||
Inrush Current | 8 A within 230 μs | ||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) (A) | 0.06 | ||
Online Module Change | Not supported | ||
Weight (kg) | 0.18 |
CC-Link/LT Master Module
Stocked Item | - |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE |
Transmission Speed | 156kbps/625kbps/2.5Mbps |
Network Topology | T-branch |
Communication Method | Deterministic (CRC) |
Number of Connectable Modules | 64 |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: 1024points for intelligent function module) |
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.16A |
Weight (kg) | 0.12 |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 28.5 x 90 x 95 |