ысокая производительность и ускоренная передача данных
По сравнению с самыми производительными процессорами ПЛК System Q время, затрачиваемое ПЛК серии IQ-R на обработку одной базовой инструкции, было уменьшено почти вдвое и составляет всего 0,98 нс. Частота работы системной шины была увеличена более чем в 40 раз, что гарантирует высокоскоростную передачу данных при решении даже самых сложных задач.
Расширенные функции диагностики для исключения неисправностей и сбоев в работе
В контроллерах iQ-R, как и во всех других ПЛК Mitsubishi Electric, доступны расширенные функции диагностики как аппаратной части контроллера, так и коммуникационных сетей. Этот инструмент не только позволяет быстро локализовать проблемный участок, но и предлагает возможные пути устранения сбоя. Это особенно важно в крупных проектах со сложной архитектурой. Причины возникновения сбоя можно отследить по трендам и логам событий, записанным на SD карту памяти, которую процессорные модули поддерживают по умолчанию. Таким образом, в новой серии контроллеров iQ-R отлажен инструмент поиска неисправности, анализ ее возникновения и предотвращения.
Классическая модульная структура
Контроллер iQ-R имеет классическую модульную конструкцию. В ее основе, как и у контроллеров System Q, лежит базовая плата, на которой располагаются модули с различным функциональным назначением - источники питания, процессоры, коммуникационные модули, модули ввода/вывода сигналов различных типов, а также целый ряд узкоспециализированных модулей.
Высокий уровень защиты от внешних и внутренних кибератак
Использование карты SRAM памяти, которая устанавливается в специальный отсек центрального процессора, не только расширяет области памяти ЦПУ, но и позволяет привязать к карте данные проекта. Такой подход исключает извлечение или внесение любых изменений в программу ПЛК или его настройки без кода доступа, а также подмену самого процессорного блока или карты памяти. Дополнительные функции такие как фильтрация IP адресов и парольная защита доступа как к проекту целиком, так и к отдельным его файлам, позволяет ощутимо повысить стойкость системы к внутренним и внешним кибератакам.
Промышленная платформа E-F@ctory
E-F@ctory–технологическая концепция «умного производства», которая подразумевает переплетение решений для автоматизации производственных процессов и информационных технологий, возможность практического использования результатов обработки больших массивов данных.
IQ-R серия - модельный ряд
R04CPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 40 т. шагов |
R08CPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 80 т. шагов |
R16CPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 160 т. шагов |
R32CPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 320 т. шагов |
R120CPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 1200 т. шагов |
R04ENCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 40 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота) |
R08ENCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 80 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота) |
R16ENCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 160 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота) |
R32ENCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 320 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота) |
R120ENCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 1200 т. шагов, встроенная станцияCC-Link IE (2 слота) |
R04CPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 40 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R08CPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 80 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R16CPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 160 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R32CPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 320 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R120CPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 1200 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R04ENCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 40 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R08ENCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 80 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R16ENCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 160 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R32ENCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 320 т. шагов, встроенная станция CC-Link IE (2 слота), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R120ENCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R, 1200 т. шагов, встроенная станцияCC-Link IE (2 слота), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R08PCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R для управления непрерывными процессами, 80 т. шагов |
R16PCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R для управления непрерывными процессами, 160 т. шагов |
R32PCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R для управления непрерывными процессами, 320 т. шагов |
R120PCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R для управления непрерывными процессами, 1200 т. шагов |
R08SFCPU-SET | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R Safety, 80 т. шагов, USB, Ethernet, SIL3/Ple, модуль R7SFM в комплекте |
R16SFCPU-SET | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R Safety, 160 т. шагов, USB, Ethernet, SIL3/Ple, модуль R7SFM в комплекте |
R32SFCPU-SET | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R Safety, 320 т. шагов, USB, Ethernet, SIL3/Ple, модуль R7SFM в комплекте |
R120SFCPU-SET | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R Safety, 1200 т. шагов, USB, Ethernet, SIL3/Ple, модуль R7SFM в комплекте |
R12CCPU-V | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R C CPU, операционная система VxWorks (2 слота) |
R12CCPU-V-BZ19 | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R C CPU, C / C++, 256 Mbyte |
R16MTCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления движением, 16 осей, SSCNET III/H |
R32MTCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления движением, 32 оси, SSCNET III/H |
R64MTCPU | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления движением, 64 оси, SSCNET III/H |
R08PCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления непрерывными процессами, 80 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R16PCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления непрерывными процессами, 160 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R32PCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R управления непрерывными процессами, 320 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R120PCPU(C) | Модуль ЦПУ iQ-R для управления непрерывными процессами, 1200 т. шагов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R35B | Базовое шасси iQ-R, 5 слотов расширения |
R38B | Базовое шасси iQ-R, 8 слотов расширения |
R312B | Базовое шасси iQ-R, 12 слотов расширения |
R310B-HT | Базовое шасси iQ-R 10 слотов, расширенный температурный диапазон |
R310RB | Базовое шасси iQ-R 10 слотов с резервированием питания |
R38RB-HT | Базовое шасси iQ-R 8 слотов с резервированием питания (расширенный температурный диапазон) |
R35B(C) | Базовое шасси для iQ-R, 5 слотов расширения, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R38B(C) | Базовое шасси для iQ-R, 8 слотов расширения, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R312B(C) | Базовое шасси для iQ-R, 12 слотов расширения, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R65B | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 5 слотов |
R68B | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 8 слотов |
R612B | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 12 слотов |
R610B-HT | Шасси расширения iQ-R 10 слотов (расширенный температурный диапазон) |
R610RB | Шасси расширения iQ-R 10 слотов с резервированием питания |
R68RB-HT | Шасси расширения iQ-R 8 слотов с резервированием питания (расширенный температурный диапазон) |
RQ65B | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 5 слотов |
RQ68B | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 8 слотов |
RQ612B | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 12 слотов |
R65B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 5 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R68B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 8 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R612B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R, 12 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RQ65B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 5 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RQ68B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 8 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RQ612B(C) | Шасси расширения iQ-R под модули System Q 12 слотов, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R63P | Модуль источника питания, 24 В пост. напр. |
R61P | Модуль источника питания, 220 В пер. напр. |
R62P | Модуль источника питания, 220 В пер. напр. с сервисным источником питания 24В/0.6А |
R64P | Модуль источника питания, 220 В пер. напр. |
R63RP | Модуль источника питания, 24 В пост. напр. для резервированной конфигурации |
R64RP | Модуль источника питания, 220 В пер. напр. для резервированной конфигурации |
R63P(C) | Модуль источника питания, 24 В пост. напр, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R61P(C) | Модуль источника питания, 220 В пер. напр, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX10 | Модуль дискретного ввода, 16 каналов, 120 В пер. напр. |
RX28 | Модуль ввода дискретних сигналов, 8 каналов, 220 В пер. напр. |
RX40C7 | Модуль дискретного ввода, 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX40NC6B | Модуль дискретного ввода, 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр., с функцией диагностики обрыва |
RX41C4 | Модуль дискретного ввода, 32 канала, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX42C4 | Модуль дискретного ввода, 64 канала, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX40PC6H | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретных сигналов, Общий "+", 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX40NC6H | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретных сигналов, Общий "-", 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX41C6HS | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретних сигналов , 32 канала, 24 В пост. напр. |
RX61C6HS | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретных сигналов, 32 канала, 5 В пост. напр. |
RX10(C) | Модуль дискретного ввода, 16 каналов, 120 В пер. напр., доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX40C7(C) | Модуль дискретного ввода, 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр., доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX41C4(C) | Модуль дискретного ввода, 32 каналов, 24 В пост. напр., доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX42C4(C) | Модуль дискретного ввода, 64 каналов (24В DC), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX40PC6H(C) | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретных сигналов, Общий "+", 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр., доп. лаковое покрытие |
RX40NC6H(C) | Модуль высокоскоростных ввода дискретных сигналов, Общий "-", 16 каналов, 24 В пост. напр., доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY10R2 | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (реле) |
RY18R2A | Модуль вывода дискретных сигналов, 8 каналов (реле) |
RY20S6 | Модуль вывода дискретных сигналов, 16 каналов (тиристор), 100-240 В пер. напр. |
RY40NT5P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (транзистор, Sink), 12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY41NT2P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 32 канала (транзистор, Sink), 12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY42NT2P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 64 канала (транзистор, Sink), 12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY40PT5P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (транзистор, Source), 12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY40PT5B | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (транзистор Source), 24 В пост. напр., с функцией диагностики обрыва |
RY41PT1P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 32 канала (транзистор, Source),12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY42PT1P | Модуль дискретного вывода, 64 канала (транзистор, Source), 12-24 В пост. напр. |
RY41NT2H | Модуль высокоскоростного вывода дискретных сигналов, 32 канала (транзистор Sink), 5-24В пост. напр. |
RY41PT2H | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода дискретных сигналов, 32 канала (транзистор Source), 5-24В пост. напр. |
RY10R2(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (реле), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY40NT5P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (транзистор, Sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY41NT2P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 32 каналов (транзистор, Sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY42NT2P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 64 каналов (транзистор, Sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY40PT5P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 16 каналов (транзистор, Source), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY41PT1P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 32 каналов (транзистор, Source), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RY42PT1P(C) | Модуль дискретного вывода, 64 каналов (транзистор, Source), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RH42C4NT2P | Комб. модуль дискретного ввода/вывода., 32 канала ввода (24В ) / 32 канала вывода (12-24В Sink) |
RH42C4NT2P(C) | Комб. модуль дискретного ввода/вывода., 32 канала ввода (24В ) / 32 канала вывода (12-24В Sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60AD4 | Модуль аналогового ввода, 4 канала, ток/напряжение |
R60ADH4 | Модуль высокоскоростного ввода аналоговых сигналов, 4 каналов, напряжение/ток |
R60ADV8 | Модуль аналогового ввода, 8 канала, напряжение |
R60ADI8 | Модуль аналогового ввода, 8 канала, ток |
R60AD8-G | Модуль ввода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов |
R60AD16-G | Модуль ввода аналоговых сигналов, 16 каналов |
R60AD4(C) | Модуль ввода аналоговых сигналов, 4 канала, ток/напряжение, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60ADV8(C) | Модуль ввода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов, напряжение, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60ADI8(C) | Модуль ввода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов, ток, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60RD8-G | Модуль ввод температурных сигналов (RTD) |
R60TD8-G | Модуль ввод температурных сигналов (TC) |
R60TCTRT2TT2 | Модуль управления температурой, 4 канала (2 TC/RTD + 2 TC) |
R60TCRT4 | Модуль управления температурой, 4 канала (RTD) |
R60TCTRT2TT2BW | Модуль управления температурой, 4 канала (2 TC/RTD + 2 TC) с контролем нагревателя |
R60TCRT4BW | Модуль управления температурой, 4 канала (RTD) с контролем нагревателя |
R60DA4 | Модуль аналогового вывода, 4 канала, ток/напряжение |
R60DAH4 | Модуль высокоскоростного вывода аналоговых сигналов, 4 канала, ток/напряжение |
R60DAV8 | Модуль аналогового вывода, 8 каналов, напряжение |
R60DAI8 | Модуль аналогового вывода, 8 каналов, ток |
R60DA8-G | Модуль вывода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов (изолировнные), ток/напряжение |
R60DA16-G | Модуль вывода аналоговых сигналов, 16 каналов (изолировнные), ток/напряжение |
R60DA4(C) | Модуль вывода аналоговых сигналов, 4 канала, ток/напряжение, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60DAV8(C) | Модуль вывода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов, напряжение, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R60DAI8(C) | Модуль вывода аналоговых сигналов, 8 каналов, ток, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71C24 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-232, RS-422/485 |
RJ71C24-R2 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-232 х 2 канала |
RJ71C24-R4 | Коммуникационный модуль RS-422/485 х 2 канала |
RJ61BT11 | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link, Master/Local StationCC-Link Ver.2 |
RJ71EN71 | Коммуникационный модуль Ethernet/CC-Link IE |
RJ71GF11-T2 | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link IE Field,Mastel/Local Station |
RJ71GP21-SX | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link IE Control,Control/Normal Station, оптоволокно |
RJ71PN92 | Коммуникационный модуль Profinet master |
RJ71PB91V | Коммуникационный модуль Profibus DP, Master, Slave |
RJ71CN91 | Коммуникационный модуль CANopen |
RJ71BAC96 | Коммуникационный модуль BACnet network, 100/10 Mbps |
RJ71DN91 | Коммуникационный модуль DeviceNet |
RJ71C24(C) | Коммуникационный модуль, RS-232, RS-422/485, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71C24-R2(C) | Коммуникационный модуль, RS-232 x 2 канала, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71C24-R4(C) | Коммуникационный модуль, RS-422/485 x 2 канала, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ61BT11(C) | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link, Master/Local station CC-Link Ver.2, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71EN71(C) | Коммуникационный модуль Ethernet/CC-Link IE (Contol/Field), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71GF11-T2(C) | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link IE Field, Master/Local station, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RJ71GP21-SX(C) | Коммуникационный модуль CC-Link IE Control/Normal station, оптоволокно, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD40PD01 | Модуль интеллектуального ввода/вывода с поддержкой SSI интерфейса |
RD55UP06-V | Модуль интеллектуальный |
RD62D2 | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала (Диф.), выход транзистор (sink) |
RD62P2 | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала, 5/12/24 В пост. напр., выход транзистор (sink) |
RD62P2E | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала, 5/12/24 В пост. напр., выход транзистор (source) |
RD75P2 | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 2 оси, открытый коллектор |
RD75P4 | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 4 оси, открытый коллектор |
RD75D2 | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 2 оси, дифференциальный выход |
RD75D4 | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 4 оси, дифференциальный выход |
RD77MS2 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 2 оси, SSCNET III/H |
RD77MS4 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 4 оси, SSCNET III/H |
RD77MS8 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 8 осей SSCNET III/H |
RD77MS16 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 16 осей SSCNET III/H |
RD77GF4 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 4 оси, CC-Link IE Field |
RD77GF8 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 8 осей, CC-Link IE Field |
RD77GF16 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 16 осей, CC-Link IE Field |
RD77GF32 | Модулиь управления движением Simple Motion, 32 оси, CC-Link IE Field |
RD62D2(C) | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала (Диф.), выход транзистор (sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD62P2(C) | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала (24В DC), выход транзистор (sink), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD62P2E(C) | Модуль высокоскоростного счета, 2 канала (24В DC), выход транзистор (source), доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD75P2(C) | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 2 оси, открытый коллектор, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD75P4(C) | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 4 оси, открытый коллектор, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD75D2(C) | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 2 оси, дифференциальный выход, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD75D4(C) | Модуль импульсного управления движением, 4 оси, дифференциальный выход, доп. лаковое покрытие |
R6RFM | Модуль резервирования P CPU |
RJ72GF15-T2 | Головная станция iQ-R CC-Link IE Field |
RD81OPC96 | Коммуникационный модуль OPC UA |
RD81MES96 | Коммуникационный модуль MES Module |
RD81MES96(C) | Коммуникационный модуль MES Module, доп. лаковое покрытие |
RD81DL96 | Модуль логирования данных |
RG60 | Модуль-заглушка |
RC06B | Кабель для шасси рассширения 0.6м |
RC12B | Кабель для шасси рассширения 1.2м |
RC30B | Кабель для шасси рассширения 3.0м |
RC50B | Кабель для шасси рассширения 5.0м |
RC12B(C) | Кабель для шасси расширения 1.2 м, доп. лаковое покрытие |
A6CON-1 | 40 пин. Разъем под пайку для модулей ввода-вывода |
A6CON-2 | 40 пин. разъём под обжим для модулей ввода-вывода |
A6CON-4 | 40 пин. разъём под пайку для модулей ввода-вывода |
FA-TB32XY | Клеммная колодна для дискретных входов/выходо 32 точки, винтовые клеммы |
FA-TBS32XY | Клеммная колодна для дискретных входов/выходо компакатная 32 точки, винтовые клеммы |
FA-TBS40P | Клеммная колодна универсальная компактная 40 точек , винтовые клеммы |
FA-CBL10FMV | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TB32XY, FA-TBS32XY с модулями DI с общим плюсом/ DO Sink (A6CON), 1м |
FA-CBL20FMV | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TB32XY, FA-TBS32XYс модулями DI с общим плюсом/ DO Sink (A6CON), 2м |
FA-CBL10FMVE | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TB32XY, FA-TBS32XY с модулями DI с общим минусом (A6CON), 1м |
FA-CBL20FMVE | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TB32XY, FA-TBS32XY с модулями DI с общим минусом (A6CON), 2м |
FA-CBL30FMVE | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TB32XY, FA-TBS32XY с модулями DI с общим минусом (A6CON), 3м |
FA-CBL05FMV-M | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TBS40P с модулями ПЛК (A6CON), 0.5м |
FA-CBL10FMV-M | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TBS40P с модулями ПЛК (A6CON), 1м |
FA-CBL20FMV-M | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TBS40P с модулями ПЛК (A6CON), 2м |
FA-CBL30FMV-M | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TBS40P с модулями ПЛК (A6CON), 3м |
FA-SCBL20FMV-M | Кабель для соединения клеммных колодок FA-TBS40P с модулями высокосокростных счетчиков (A6CON), 2м |
NZ2MC-1MBS | Модуль памяти 1MB (касета SRAM) |
NZ2MC-2MBS | Модуль памяти 2MB (касета SRAM) |
NZ2MC-4MBS | Модуль памяти 4MB (касета SRAM) |
NZ2MC-8MBS | Модуль памяти 8MB (касета SRAM) |
NZ2MC-8MBSE | Модуль памяти 8MB (касета SRAM) |
NZ2MC-16MBS | Модуль памяти 16MB (касетаSRAM) |
R6DIN1 | Адаптер для монтажа на DIN-рейку |
AD75CK | Фиксатор кабеля |
Процессорные модули
iQ-R CPU Modules
Operation Control Method | Repetitive operation of stored program | ||||||
I/O Control Mode | Refresh mode: The direct access input/output is available by specifying the direct access input/output (DX, DY) | ||||||
Instruction Processing Time | LD X0 | 0.98ns | |||||
MOV D0 D1 | 1.96ns | ||||||
Instruction Processing Time (Structured Text) | IF Statement | 1.96µs | |||||
CASE Statement (Two Branches) | 1.96µs | ||||||
FOR Statement | 1.96µs | ||||||
Memory Capacity | Program Capacity | 40K steps | 80K steps | 160K steps | 320K steps | 1200K steps | |
Program Memory | 160K bytes | 320K bytes | 640K bytes | 1280K bytes | 4800K bytes | ||
SD Memory Card | Differs depending on the SD memory card used. (SD/SDHC memory card: 32G bytes maximum) | ||||||
Device/Label Memory | Total | 400K bytes | 1188K bytes | 1720K bytes | 2316K bytes | 3380K bytes | |
Device Area | 80K bytes | ||||||
Label Area | 60K bytes | 80K bytes | 100K bytes | 180K bytes | 220K bytes | ||
Latch Label Area | 4K bytes | 8K bytes | |||||
File Storage Area | 256K bytes | 1024K bytes | 1536K bytes | 2048K bytes | 3072K bytes | ||
CPU Buffer Memory | 1072K bytes (536K words) (including the fixed scan communication area (24K words)) | ||||||
Refresh Memory | 2048K bytes (This is the total capacity of the device area and module label area.) | ||||||
Number of Storable Files | Program Memory (P: Number of Program Files, FB: Number of FB Files) | 188 (P: 124, FB: 64 (One FB file can store 64 function blocks.)) | 380 (P: 252, FB: 128 (One FB file can store 64 function blocks)) | ||||
Device/Label Memory (File Storage Area) | 324 (with or without an extended SRAM cassette) (System files are included) | ||||||
Data Memory | 256 | 512 | |||||
SD Memory Card | NZ1MEM-2GBSD: 256; NZ1MEM-4GBSD and larger: 32767 | ||||||
Number of Storable Folders | Data Memory | 256 | 512 | ||||
SD Memory Card | NZ1MEM-2GBSD: 256; NZ1MEM-4GBSD and larger: 32767 | ||||||
USB Port | USB2.0 High Speed (miniB) x 1 | ||||||
Ethernet Port | 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX x 1. Refer to table below for CC-Link IE Field specifications for RnENCPU | ||||||
Clock Function | Year, month, date, hour, minute, second, and day of the week (Leap years are automatically identified) -1.00 to +1.00s/d at 0 to 55° | ||||||
Internal Current Consumption | R_CPU: 0.67A; R_ENCPU: 1.49A | ||||||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) (mm) | R_CPU: 106 x 27.8 x 110 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm); | ||||||
Weight (kg) | R_CPU: 0.20; R_ENCPU: 0.40 |
Maximum Number of Link Points per Network | RX/RY | 16K points (16384, 2k bytes) each | ||
RWr/RWw | 8K points (8192 points, 16k bytes) each | |||
Maximum Number of Link Points Per Station | Master Station | RX/RY | 16K points (16384, 2k bytes) each | |
RWr/RWw | 8K points (8192 points, 16k bytes) each | |||
When the Submaster Function is Used | Master Operating Station | RX/RY | 16K points each (for RY, own station send range is 2K Points) | |
RWr/RWw | 8K Points each (for RWw, own station send range is 1024 points.); 8K points each when communication mode is | |||
Submaster Operating Station¹ | RX/RY | 2K Points each (assigned to station #0 or submaster station) | ||
RWr/RWw | 1024 points each (assigned station # 0 or submaster station); 256 points each when communication mode is “High-Speed” | |||
Local Station | RX/RY | 2K points (2048 points, 256 bytes) each | ||
RWr/RWw | 1K points (1024 points, 2kb) each; 256 points (512 bytes) each when communication mode is “High Speed” | |||
Transient Transmission Capacity | 1920 bytes maximum | |||
Communication Speed | 1Gbps | |||
Network Topology | Line topology, star topology (coexistence of line topology and star topology is also possible), and ring topology | |||
Communication Cable | Ethernet cable which satisfies 1000BASE-T stanard: Category 5e or higher, straight cable (double shielded, STP) | |||
Maximum Station-to-Station Distance | 100m (conforms to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B (Category 5e)) | |||
Overall Cable Distance | Line topology: 12,000m (when 121 stations are connected); Star topology: Depends on the system configuration; | |||
Number of Cascade Connections | 20 levels maximum | |||
Maximum Number of Connectible Stations | 121 stations (master station: 1, slave station: 120) | |||
Maximum Number of Networks | 239 | |||
Communication Method | Token passing |
Process CPU Specifications
Operation Control Method | Repetitive operation of stored program | |||||
I/O Control Mode | Refresh mode: The direct access input/output is available by specifying the direct access input/output (DX, DY) | |||||
Instruction Processing Time | LD X0 | 0.98ns | ||||
MOV D0 D1 | 1.96ns | |||||
Instruction Processing Time (Structured Text) | IF Statement | 1.96µs | ||||
CASE Statement (Two Branches) | 1.96µs | |||||
FOR Statement | 1.96µs | |||||
Memory Capacity | Program Capacity | 80K steps (320K bytes) | 160K steps (640K bytes) | 320K steps (1280K bytes) | 1200K steps (4800K bytes) | |
Program Memory | 320K bytes | 640K bytes | 1280K bytes | 4800K bytes | ||
SD Memory Card | Differs depending on the SD memory card used. (SD/SDHC memory card: 32G bytes maximum) | |||||
Device/Label Memory | Total | 1188K bytes | 1720K bytes | 2316K bytes | 3380K bytes | |
Device Area | 80K bytes | |||||
Label Area | 80K bytes | 100K bytes | 180K bytes | 220K bytes | ||
Latch Label Area | 4K bytes | 8K bytes | ||||
File Storage Area | 1024K bytes | 1536K bytes | 2048K bytes | 3072K bytes | ||
Data Memory | 5M bytes | 10M bytes | 20M bytes | 40M bytes | ||
CPU Buffer Memory | 1072K bytes (536K words) (including the fixed scan communication area (24K words)) | |||||
Refresh Memory | 2048K bytes (This is the total capacity of the device area and module label area) | |||||
Number of Storable Files | Program Memory (P: Number of Program Files, FB: Number of FB Files) | 380 (P: 252, FB: 128 (One FB file can store 64 function blocks)) | ||||
Device/Label Memory (File Storage Area) | 324 (with or without an extended SRAM cassette) (System files are included) | |||||
Data Memory | 512 | |||||
SD Memory Card | NZ1MEM-2GBSD: 256; NZ1MEM-4GBSD and larger: 32767 | |||||
Number of Storable Folders | Data Memory | 512 | ||||
SD Memory Card | NZ1MEM-2GBSD: 256; NZ1MEM-4GBSD and larger: 32767 | |||||
USB Port | USB2.0 High Speed (mini B) x 1 | |||||
Ethernet Port | 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX x 1. See MELSEC iQ-R Ethernet/CC-Link IE User’s Manual (Startup) | |||||
Clock Function | Year, month, date, hour, minute, second, and day of the week (Leap years are automatically identified) | |||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.67A | |||||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) (mm) | 106 x 27.8 x 110 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | |||||
Weight (kg) | 0.20 |
Redundant CPU
Tracking Cable | Cable Specifications | An optical fiber cable compliant with the following standards (multimode optical fiber (GI)) |
Maximum Cable Length | 550m | |
Optical Fiber Specifications | Standard: IEEE802.3, IEC 60793-2-10 (Types A1a.1); Outside diameter of the core/clad: 50µm, 62.5µm/125µm; Transmission loss: 3.0dB/km or lower [λ=850nm]; Transmission band: 500MHz km or more [λ=850nm] | |
Connector Specifications | Duplex LC connector | |
Laser Class (IEC60825-1) | Class 1 laser product | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points | |
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.88A | |
Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 (Height base unit mounting side: 98mm) | |
Weight (kg) | 018 |
асси базовые и расширительные
Main Base Units
MODEL NUMBER | R35B | R38B | R312B | R310B-HT |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Mountable I/O Modules | 5 | 8 | 12 | 10 |
DIN Rail Adapter Model | R6DIN1 | |||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.58A | 0.71A | 0.88A | 0.82A |
Mounting Hole Size | M4 screw hole or ø4.5 hole (for M4 screw) | |||
Operating Ambient Temperature | Standard (0 to 55°C) | Extended | ||
External Dimensions | 101 x 245 x 32.5 | 101 x 328 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 |
Weight (kg) | 0.41 | 0.55 | 0.72 | 0.69 |
Redundant Power Supply Main Base Units
STOCKED ITEM | - | - |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Number of Mountable I/O Modules | 10 | 8 |
DIN Rail Adapter Model | R6DIN1 | |
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.91A | 0.86A |
Mounting Hole Size | M4 screw hole or ø4.5 hole (for M4 screw) | |
Operating Ambient Temperature | Standard (0 to 55°C) | Extended (0 to 60°C) |
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 101 x 439 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 |
Weight (kg) | 0.73 | 0.72 |
Extension Base Units
MODEL NUMBER | R65B | R68B | R612B | R610B-HT |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Mountable I/O Modules | 5 | 8 | 12 | 10 |
DIN Rail Adapter Model | R6DIN1 | |||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.70A | 0.81A | 0.92A | 0.85A |
Mounting Hole Size | M4 screw hole or ø4.5 hole (for M4 screw) | |||
Operating Ambient Temperature | Standard (0 to 55°C) | Extended (0 to 60°C) | ||
External Dimensions | 101 x 245 x 32.5 | 101 x 328 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 |
Weight (kg) | 0.41 | 0.55 | 0.73 | 0.72 |
Redundant Power Supply Extension Base Units
STOCKED ITEM | - | - |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Number of Mountable I/O Modules | 10 | 8 |
DIN Rail Adapter Model | R6DIN1 | |
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.97A | 0.93A |
Mounting Hole Size | M4 screw hole or ø4.5 hole (for M4 screw) | |
Operating Ambient Temperature | Standard (0 to 55°C) | Extended (0 to 60°C) |
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 101 x 439 x 32.5 | 101 x 439 x 32.5 |
Weight (kg) | 0.73 | 0.72 |
Extension Cables
MODEL NUMBER | RC06B | RC12B | RC30B | RC50B |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Length (m) | 0.6 | 1.2 | 3.0 | 5.0 |
Weight (kg) | 0.15 | 0.21 | 0.40 | 0.60 |
RQ Extension Base Units (for MELSEC-Q Series Modules)
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Number of Mountable I/O Modules | 5 | 8 | 12 |
DIN Rail Adapter Model | Q6DIN2 | Q6DIN1 | |
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.28A | 0.31A | 0.32A |
Mounting Hole Size | M4 screw hole or ø4.5 hole (for M4 screw) | ||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 98 x 245 x 44.1 | 98 x 328 x 44.1 | 98 x 439 x 44.1 |
Weight (kg) | 0.32 | 0.41 | 0.55 |
Модули питания
MODEL NUMBER | R61P | R62P | R64P | R64RP (*1) | R63P | R63RP | |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | - | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||||
Input Power Supply Voltage | 100 to 240 VAC (85 to 264 VAC) | 24 VDC | 24 VDC(19.2 to 31.2VDC) | ||||
Input Frequency | 50/60Hz ±5% | - | - | ||||
Input Voltage Distortion Factor | Within 5% | - | - | ||||
Maximum Input Apparent Power | 130VA | 120VA | 160VA | 160VA | - | - | |
Maximum Input Power | - | 50W | 50W | ||||
Inrush Current | 20A, 8ms or less | 100A, 1ms or less | 100A, 1ms or less | ||||
Rated Output Current | 5 VDC | 6.5A | 3.5A | 9A | 9A | 6.5A | 6.5A |
24 VDC | - | 0.6A | - | - | - | - | |
Overcurrent Protection | 5 VDC | 7.1A or higher | 3.8A or higher | 10.0A or higher | 10.0A or higher | 7.1A or higher | 7.1A or higher |
24 VDC | - | 0.66A or higher | - | - | - | - | |
Overvoltage Protection | 5.5 to 6.5V | ||||||
Efficiency | 76% or more | 70% or more | |||||
Allowable Momentary Power Failure Time | Within 20ms | Within 10ms | |||||
External Dimensions | 106 x 54.6 x 110 | ||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.41 | 0.45 | 0.46 | 0.46 | 0.41 | 0.41 |
Модули ввода/вывода дискретные
Input Modules
MODEL NUMBER | RX10 | RX28 | RX40C7 | RX41C4 | RX42C4 | |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||
Number of Input Points | 16 points | 8 points | 16 points | 32 points | 64 points | |
Input Type | AC | DC (positive/negative common) | ||||
Rated Input Voltage/Rated Frequency | 100 to 120 VAC (+10%/-15%), 50/60Hz (±3Hz) | 100 to 240VAC (+10%/-15%), 50/60Hz (±3Hz) | 24 VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) (allowable voltage range: 20.4 to 28.8 VDC) | |||
Input Voltage Distortion Ratio | Within 5% | - | - | - | ||
Rated Input Current | 8.2mA (100 VAC, 60Hz), 6.8mA (100 VAC, 50Hz) | 16.4mA (200VAC, 60Hz)
13.7mA (200VAC, 50Hz)
8.2mA (100VAC, 60Hz)
6.8mA (100VAC, 50Hz) | 7.0mA TYP.
| 4.0mA TYP. (at 24 VDC) | ||
Inrush Current | 200mA maximum within 1ms | 950mA maximum within 1ms | - | - | - | |
ON Voltage/ON Current | 80 VAC or higher/5mA or higher (50Hz, 60Hz) | 15V or higher/4mA or higher | 19V or higher/3mA or higher | |||
OFF Voltage/OFF Current | 30 VAC or lower/1.7mA or lower (50Hz, 60Hz) | 8V or lower/2mA or lower | 6V or lower/1.0mA or lower | |||
Input Resistance | 12.2kΩ (60Hz), 14.6kΩ (50Hz) | 12.1kΩ (60Hz), 14.5kΩ (50Hz) | 3.3kΩ | 5.3kΩ | ||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 15ms or less | 10ms or less (200VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | 0.1/0.2/0.4/0.6/1/5/10/20/70 ms | ||
ON – OFF | 20ms or less | 20ms or less (200VAC 50Hz, 60Hz) | 0.35/0.4/0.5/0.7/1/5/ 10/20/70 ms | 0.2/0.3/0.5/0.7/1/5/10/20/70 ms | ||
Wiring Method for Common | 16 points/ common (common terminal: TB17) | 8 points/ common (common terminal: TB17) | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB17) | 32 points/ common (common terminal: B01, B02) | 32 points/ common (common terminal: 1B01, 1B02, 2B01, 2B02) | |
Interrupt Function | Available (can be set in the parameters of the CPU module) | |||||
External Connections | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 x 6 screw) | 40-pin connector | ||||
Internal Current Consumption | 110mA (TYP. all points ON) | 90mA (TYP. all points ON) | 110mA (TYP. all points ON) | 150mA (TYP. all points ON) | 180mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.18 | 0.18 | 0.16 | 0.11 | 0.13 |
Output Modules
MODEL NUMBER | RY10R2 | RY18R2A | RY20S6 | RY40NT5P | RY41NT2P | RY42NT2P | RY40PT5P | RY41PT1P | RY42PT1P | |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||||||
Number of Output Points | 16 | 8 | 16 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 16 | 32 | 64 | |
Output Type | Relay | Relay (isolated) | Triac | Sink Transistor | Sink Transistor | Sink Transistor | Source Transistor | Source Transistor | Source Transistor | |
Rated Load Voltage | 24 VDC/240 VAC | 24VDC/ 240VAC | 100 to 240VAC (+10%/-15%), 50/60Hz (±3Hz) | 12/24 VDC (allowable voltage range: 10.2 to 28.8 VDC) | ||||||
Maximum Load Current | 2A/point, | 2A/point, 8A/module | 0.6A/point, 4.8A/common | 0.5A/point, | 0.2A/point, 2A/common | 0.5A/point, | 0.1A/point, 2A/common | |||
Maximum Voltage Drop at ON | - | - | 1.5V or lower (at load current of 0.6A) | 0.2 VDC (TYP.) 0.5A, 0.3 VDC (MAX.) 0.5A | 0.2 VDC (TYP.) 0.2A, 0.3 VDC (MAX.) 0.2A | 0.2 VDC (TYP.) 0.5A, 0.3 VDC (MAX.) 0.5A | 0.1 VDC (TYP.) 0.1A, 0.2 VDC (MAX.) 0.1A | |||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 10ms or less | 10 ms or less | Total of 1ms and 0.5 cycles or less | 0.5ms or less | |||||
ON – OFF | 12ms or less | 12 ms or less | Total of 1ms and 0.5 cycles or less (rated load, resistive load) | 1ms or less (rated load, resistive load) | ||||||
External Power Supply | Voltage | - | - | - | 12/24 VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) (allowable voltage range: 10.2 to 28.8 VDC) | |||||
Current | - | - | - | 4mA (at 24 VDC) | 16mA (at 24 VDC) | 19mA (at 24 VDC) | ||||
Wiring Method for Common | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB17) | No common | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB17) | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB18) | 32 points/common (common terminal: A01, A02) | 32 points/common (common terminal: 1A01, 1A02, 2A01, 2A02) | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB17) | 32 points/common (common terminal: B01, B02) | 32 points/common (common terminal: 1B01, 1B02, 2B01, 2B02) | |
External Connections | 18-point screw terminal block | 40-pin connector | 18-point screw terminal block (M3 x 6 screw) | 40-pin connector | ||||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 450mA (TYP. all points ON) | 260mA (TYP. all points ON) | 140mA (TYP. all points ON) | 180mA (TYP. all points ON) | 250mA (TYP. all points ON) | 130mA (TYP. all points ON) | 190mA (TYP. all points ON) | 290mA (TYP. all points ON) | ||
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | ||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.22 | 0.19 | 0.24 | 0.16 | 0.11 | 0.13 | 0.16 | 0.11 | 0.13 |
Input/Output Combined Modules
RH42C4NT2P DC Input/Transistor Output Combined Module (Sink Type)
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Input Specifications | ||
Number of Input Points | 32 points | |
Rated Input Voltage | 24 VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) (allowable voltage range: 20.4 to 28.8 VDC) | |
Rated Input Current | 4.0mA TYP. (at 24 VDC) | |
ON Voltage/ON Current | 19V or higher/3mA or higher | |
OFF Voltage/OFF Current | 6V or lower/1.0mA or lower | |
Wiring Method for Common | 32 points/common (common terminal: 1B01, 1B02) | |
Interrupt Function | Available (can be set in the parameters of the CPU module) | |
Output Specifications | ||
Number of Output Points | 32 points | |
Rated Load Voltage | 12/24 VDC (allowable voltage range: 10.2 to 28.8 VDC) | |
Maximum Load Current | 0.2A/point, 2A/common | |
Maximum Voltage Drop at ON | 0.2 VDC (TYP.) 0.2A, 0.3 VDC (MAX.) 0.2A | |
Response Time | OFF – ON | 0.5ms or less |
ON – OFF | 1ms or less (rated load, resistive load) | |
External Power Supply | Voltage | 12/24 VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) (allowable voltage range: 10.2 to 28.8 VDC) |
Current | 16mA (at 24 VDC)/common | |
Wiring Method for Common | 32 points/common (common terminal: 2A01, 2A02) | |
Common Specifications | ||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: I/O combined 32 points) | |
External Connections | 40-pin connector | |
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 220mA | |
Weight (kg) | 0.13 |
I/O Module with Diagnostic Functions
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Number of Input Points | 16 points | - | |
Number of Output Points | - | 16 points | |
Rated Input Voltage | 24VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) | - | |
Rate Load Voltage | - | 24VDC (allowable voltage range: 20.4 to 28.8VDC) | |
Rated Input Current | 6.0mA TYP. (at 24VDC) | - | |
Maximum Inrush Current | - | Current is to be limited by the overload protection function | |
Maximum Load Current | - | 0.5A/point, 4A/common | |
ON Voltage/ON Current | 14V or higher/3.5mA or higher | - | |
OFF Voltage/OFF Current | 6V or lower/1mA or lower | - | |
Leakage Current at OFF | - | 0.3mA or lower | |
Maximum Voltage Drop at ON | - | 1.0VDC (TYP.) 0.5A | |
Input Resistance | Approx. 4.0kΩ | - | |
Response Time | OFF – ON | See User’s Manual for response times | 0.5ms or less |
ON – OFF | 1.5ms or less | ||
Short-Circuit (Ground Fault) | - | 0.5A or higher/point (*3) | |
Surge Suppressor | - | Zener diode | |
Fuse | - | None | |
Disconnection (No Connection) Detection Current | 0.3mA or lower/point (*1) | 3mA or lower/point (*2) | |
External Power Supply | Voltage | 24VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) (allowable voltage range: 20.4 to 28.8VDC) | |
Current | 130mA (at 24VDC) | 87mA (at 24VDC) | |
Withstand Voltage | 510VACrms, 1 minute | ||
Isolation Resistance | 10MΩ or higher by isolation resistance tester | ||
Noise Immunity | Simulator noise 500Vp-p, noise width 1µs, noise frequency 25 to 60Hz (noise simulator condition) | ||
Protection Degree | IP2X | ||
Protection Function | Overload Protection | - | Limited current when detecting overcurrent: 1.0A or higher/point Activated to each point |
Overheat Protection | Activated to each point | ||
Wiring Method for Common | 16 points/common (common terminal: TB18) | ||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Input 32 points) | 32 points (I/O assignment: Output 32 points) | |
Interrupt Function | Available (can be set in the parameters of the CPU module) | - | |
External Interface | 18-point screw terminal block (M3x6 screw) | ||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 450mA (TYP. all points ON) | 190mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.25 | 0.24 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | 106 x 27.8 x 131 |
High Speed Digital Input Modules
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Number of Input Points | 32 points | 32 points |
Input Type | 24VDC Positive/negative Common | 5VDC Positive/negative Common |
Rated Input Voltage | 24VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) | 5VDC (ripple ratio: within 5%) |
Rated Input Current | 6.0mA TYP. (at 24VDC) | 6.0mA TYP. (at 5VDC) |
ON Voltage/ON Current | 19V or higher/4mA or higher | 3.5V or higher/3mA or higher |
OFF Voltage/OFF Current | 6V or lower/1.7mA or lower | 1V or lower/1mA or lower |
Input Resistance | 4kΩ | 600Ω |
Response Time | See User’s Manual for response times | |
Withstand Voltage | 510VACrms, 1 minute | |
Isolation Resistance | 10MΩ or higher by isolation resistance tester | |
Noise Immunity (*1) | Simulator noise 500Vp-p, noise width 1µs,noise frequency 25 to 60Hz (noise simulator condition) | |
Protection Degree | IP2X | |
Wiring Method for Common | 32 points/common (common terminal: B01, B02) | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Input 32 points) | |
Interrupt Function | Available (can be set in the “Module Parameter”) | |
External Interface | 40-pin connector | |
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 150mA (TYP. all points ON) | |
Weight (kg) | 0.12 | 0.12 |
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | 106 x 27.8 x 110 |
High Speed Digital Output Modules
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Number of Output Points | 32 | 32 | |
Output Type | Sink | Source | |
Rated Load Voltage | 5/12/24 VDC (allowable voltage range: 4.25 to 28.8 VDC) | ||
Maximum Load Current | 0.2 A/point, 2A common | ||
Maximum Inrush Current | 0.7A, 10 ms or less | ||
Leakage Current At OFF | 0.1 mA or lower | ||
Maximum Voltage Drop at ON | 0.1 VDC (TYP.) 0.2 A, 0.2 VDC (MAX) 0.2A | ||
Response Time | OFF – ON | 1 µs or less | |
ON – OFF | 2 µs or less rated load, resistive load | ||
Surge Suppresor | Zener diode | ||
Withstand Voltage | 510 VACrms, 1 minute | ||
Isolation Resistance | 10MΩ or higher by isolation resistance tester | ||
Noise Immunity | Simulator noise 500 Vp-p, noise width 1µ, noise frequency 25 to 60 Hz (noise simulator condition) | ||
Protection Degree | IP2X | ||
Wiring Method for Common | 32 points/common (common terminal: A01, A02) | 32 points/common (common terminal: B01, B02) | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points | ||
Protection Functions | None | ||
External Connections | 40 pin connector | ||
Internal Current Consumption | 420 mA (TYP. All points ON) | 410 mA (TYP. All points ON) | |
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | ||
Weight (kg) | 0.12 |
High Speed Digital I/O Combination Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Number of Input Points | 12 | |
Output Type | Differential | DC |
Number of Output Points | 6 | 8 (5 to 24VDC, 0.1A/pt) |
Number of Interrupts | 8 points | |
Input/output Response Time | 1μs or less | |
Pulse Input Speed | Max. 8Mpps (2MHz) | Max. 200kpps (200kHz) |
Pulse Output Speed | Max. 8Mpps (2MHz) | Max. 200kpps (200kHz) |
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.76A | |
Applicable Wire Size | 40-pin connector: 0.088 to 0.3 (28 to 22 AWG) (When the A6CON1 or A6CON4 is used), 0.088 to 0.24 (28 to 24 AWG) (When the A6CON2 is used) | |
External Wiring Connector (sold separately) | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent, 32 points) | |
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | |
Weight (kg) | 0.16 |
Модули ввода/вывода аналоговые
Analog Input Modules
MODEL NUMBER | R60AD4 | R60ADV8 | |||
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | |||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Number of Analog Input Points | 4 points (4 channels) | 8 points (8 channels) | |||
Analog Input Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1MΩ) | ||||
Analog Input Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω) | - | |||
Digital Output Value | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | ||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | ||
Voltage | 0 to 10V | 0 to 32000 | 312.5µV | ||
0 to 5V | 156.3µV | ||||
1 to 5V | 125.0µV | ||||
1 to 5V (extended mode) | -8000 to 32000 | 125.0µV | |||
-10 to 10V | -32000 to 32000 | 312.5µV | |||
User range setting | 47.7µV | ||||
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | ||
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | ||||
4 to 20mA (extended mode) | -8000 to 32000 | 500.0nA | |||
User range setting | -32000 to 32000 | 190.7nA | |||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum Digital Output Value) | Ambient temperature 25 ±5°: within ±0.1% (±32 digits)
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°: within ±0.3% (±96 digits) | ||||
Conversion Speed | 80µs/CH | ||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA (*3) | Voltage: ±15V (*3) | |||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | 50000 times maximum | ||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler; Between input channels: Non-isolation | ||||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | ||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | ||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||
External Connection System | 18-point terminal block | ||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75² (22 to 18 AWG) | ||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve cannot be used) | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.22A | ||||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.12 | ||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Analog Input Points | 8 points (8 channels) | |||
Analog Input Voltage | - | |||
Analog Input Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω) | |||
Digital Output Value | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | |||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | |
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | |
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | |||
4 to 20mA (extended mode) | -8000 to 32000 | 500.0nA | ||
User range setting | -32000 to 32000 | 190.7nA | ||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum Digital Output Value) | Ambient temperature 25 ±5°: within ±0.1% (±32 digits)
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°: within ±0.3% (±96 digits) | |||
Conversion Speed | 80µs/CH | |||
Absolute Maximum Input | Current: 30mA (*3) | |||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | 50000 times maximum | |||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler; Between input channels: Non-isolation | |||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | |||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | |||
External Connection System | 18-point terminal block | |||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² (22 to 18 AWG) | |||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 | |||
Internal Current Consumption | 0.22A | |||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.12 |
Isolated Analog Input Modules
MODEL NUMBER | R60AD8-G | R60AD16-G | ||||
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | ||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||
Number of Analog Input Channels | 8 channels | 16 channels | ||||
Analog Input Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1MΩ) | |||||
Analog Input Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω) | |||||
Digital Output Value | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | |||||
I/O Conversion Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | |||
Voltage | 0 to 10V | 0 to 32000 | 312.5µV | |||
0 to 5V | 156.3µV | |||||
1 to 5V | 125.0µV | |||||
1 to 5V (extended mode) | -8000 to 32767 | 125.0µV | ||||
-10 to 10V | -32000 to 32000 | 312.5µV | ||||
User range setting | 29.2µV | |||||
User Range Setting | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | |||
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | |||||
4 to 20mA (extended mode) | -8000 to 32767 | 500.0nA | ||||
User range setting | -32000 to 32000 | 115.5nA | ||||
Accuracy (Accuracy For The Maximum Digital Output Value) | Reference accuracy: Within ±0.1% (±32 digits) Temperature coefficient: ±35ppm/°C (0.0035%/°C) | |||||
Common Mode Characteristics | Common mode voltage between input and common ground (input voltage 0V): 500VAC | |||||
Common mode voltage rejection ratio (VCM < 500V): 60Hz 107dB, 50Hz 106dB | ||||||
Conversion Speed | 10ms/CH | |||||
Response Time | 20ms | |||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA | |||||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | 50000 times maximum | |||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Transformer Between analog input channels: Transformer | |||||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VACrms for 1 minute; | |||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC Between analog input channels: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | |||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points, 1 slot (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | 32 points, 2 slots | ||||
External Interface | 40-pin connector | |||||
Applicable Wire Size | A6CON1 and A6CON4 | 0.088 to 0.3² (28 to 22 AWG) (stranded wire) | ||||
A6CON2 | 0.088 to 0.24² (28 to 24 AWG) (stranded wire) | |||||
Connector For External Devices | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 (sold separately) | |||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | R60AD8-G: 0.33A; R60AD16-G: 0.52A | |||||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | 106 x 56 x 110 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | ||||
High Speed Analog Input Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE (EMC) | ||||
Number of Analog Inputs | 4 channels | ||||
Digital Output | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | ||||
Analog Input | Voltage | -10 to 10VDC (input resistance: 1MΩ) | |||
Current | 0 to 20mADC (input resistance: 250Ω) | ||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | ||
Voltage | 0 to 10V | 0 to 32,000 | 312.5 µV | ||
0 to 5V | 156.3 µV | ||||
1 to 5V | 125.0 µV | ||||
1 to 5V (Extended mode) | -8000 to 32,000 | 125.0 µV | |||
-10 to 10V | -32,000 to 32,000 | 312.5 µV | |||
User Range Setting | 125.0 µV (*2) | ||||
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32,000 | 625.0 nA | ||
4 to 20 mA | 500.0 nA | ||||
4 to 20V (Extended mode) | -8000 to 32,000 | 500.0 nA | |||
User Range Setting | -32,000 to 32,000 | 500.0 nA (*2) | |||
Accuracy (Accuracy of the Maximum Digital Output Value) | Ambient Temperature 25±5°C | Within ±0.1% (±32 digit) | |||
Ambient Temperature 0 to 55°C | Within ±0.2% (±64 digit) | ||||
Operation Mode (Sampling Cycle) | Normal mode (medium speed: 10µs/CH) | ||||
Normal mode (low speed: 20 µs/CH) | |||||
Simultaneous conversion mode (5 µs/4CH) | |||||
Input Band | 40 kHz (Normal mode (medium speed: 10µs/CH)) | ||||
20 kHz (Normal mode (low speed: 20 µs/CH)) | |||||
60 kHz (Simultaneous conversion mode (5 µs/4CH)) | |||||
Input Response Time | 20 µs maximum | ||||
Absolute Maximum Input | Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA | ||||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | 10,000 times maximum | ||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler | ||||
Between input channels: Non-isolation | |||||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500 VACrms for 1 minute | ||||
Isolation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | ||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||
External Interface | 18-point terminal block | ||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75 mm² (22 to 18 AWG) | ||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve cannot be used) | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.73 A | ||||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.20 |
Analog Output Modules
MODEL NUMBER | R60DA4 | R60DAV8 | |||
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | |||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Number of Analog Output Points | 4 points (4 channels) | 8 points (8 channels) | |||
Digital Input | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | ||||
Analog Output Voltage | -10 to 10 VDC (external load resistance value 1kΩ or more) 0 to 5 VDC (external load resistance value 500Ω or more) | ||||
Analog Output Current | 0 to 20mADC (external load resistance value 0 to 600Ω) | - | |||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | ||
Voltage | 0 to 10V | 0 to 32000 | 156.3µV | ||
0 to 5V | 125.0µV | ||||
1 to 5V | -32000 to 32000 | 312.5µV | |||
User range setting | |||||
Current (R60DA4 Only) | -10 to 10V | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | ||
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | ||||
User range setting | -32000 to 32000 | 350.9nA | |||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum
Value of the Analog Output Value) | Ambient temp 25 ±5°: within ±0.1% (Volt ±10mV, current ±20µA)
Ambient temp 0 to 55°: within ±0.3% (Volt ±30mV, current ±60µA) | Ambient temp 25 ±5°: within ±0.1%(Voltage ±10mV)
Ambient temp 0 to 55°: within ±0.3% (Voltage ±30mV) | |||
Conversion Speed | Normal Output Mode | 80µs/CH | |||
Wave Output Mode | 80µs/CH | ||||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | Up to 50000 times (A count more than 50000 times causes Number of writes to offset/gain settings reach limit error (error code: 1080H) | ||||
Output Short Protection | Protected | ||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler; Between output channels: Non-isolation
Between the external power supply and analog outputs: Transformer isolation | ||||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute
Between the external power supply and analog outputs: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | ||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | ||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||
External Connection System | 18-point terminal block | ||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² | ||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve cannot be used) | ||||
External Power Supply | 24 VDC +20%, -15% | ||||
Ripple, spike 500mVP-P or lower | |||||
Inrush current: 5.0A, 690µs or shorter | Inrush current: 5.0A, 670µs or shorter | ||||
Current consumption: 0.14A | Current consumption: 0.16A | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.16A | ||||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.14 |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Analog Output Points | 8 points (8 channels) | |||
Digital Input | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | |||
Analog Output Voltage | - | |||
Analog Output Current | 0 to 20mADC (external load resistance value 0 to 600Ω) | |||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Input Range | Digital Output Value | Resolution | |
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | |
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | |||
User range setting | -32000 to 32000 | 350.9nA | ||
Accuracy (Accuracy for the Maximum Value of the Analog Output Value) | Ambient temperature 25 ±5°: within ±0.1% (Current ±20µA)
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°: within ±0.3% (Current ±60µA) | |||
Conversion Speed | 80µs/CH | |||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | Up to 50000 times (A count more than 50000 times causes Number of writes to offset/gain settings reach limit error (error code: 1080H) | |||
Output Short Protection | Protected | |||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler; Between output channels: Non-isolation
Between the external power supply and analog outputs: Transformer isolation | |||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute
Between the external power supply and analog outputs: 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | |||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | |||
External Connection System | 18-point terminal block | |||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75mm² | |||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve cannot be used) | |||
External Power Supply | 24 VDC +20%, -15% | |||
Ripple, spike 500mVP-P or lower | ||||
Inrush current: 5.0A, 700s or shorter | ||||
Current consumption: 0.26A | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.16A | |||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.14 |
Isolated Analog Output Modules
MODEL NUMBER | R60DA8-G | R60DA16-G | ||||
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | ||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||
Number of Analog Output Channels | 8 channels | 16 channels | ||||
Digital Input | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | |||||
Analog Output Voltage | -12 to 12 VDC (external load resistance value 1kΩ or more) | |||||
Analog Output Current | 0 to 20mADC (external load resistance value 0Ω to 600Ω); | |||||
I/O Conversion Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Output Range | Digital Value | Resolution | |||
Voltage | 0 to 5V | 0 to 32000 | 156.3µV | |||
1 to 5V | 125.0µV | |||||
-10 to 10V | -32000 to 32000 | 312.5µV | ||||
-12 to 12V | 378.4µV | |||||
1 to 5V (extended mode) | -8000 to 36000 | 125.0µV | ||||
User range setting 2 | -32000 to 32000 | 378.4µV | ||||
User range setting 3 | 312.0µV | |||||
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | |||
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | |||||
4 to 20mA (extended mode) | -8000 to 36000 | 500.0nA | ||||
User range setting 1 | -32000 to 32000 | 360.1nA | ||||
Accuracy (Accuracy For The Maximum Analog Output Value) | Reference accuracy: Within ±0.1% (Voltage:±10mV, Current: ±20µA) (*3)
Temperature coefficient: ±50ppm/°C (0.005%/°C) (*4) | |||||
Conversion Speed | 1ms/CH | |||||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | Up to 50000 times (A count more than 50000 times causes Number of writes to offset/gain settings reach limit error (error code: 1080H) | |||||
Output Short Circuit Protection | Built-in | |||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Transformer
Between analog output channels: Transformer
Between external power supply and analog output channel: Transformer | |||||
Withstand Voltage | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VACrms for 1 minute
Between analog output channels: 1000VACrms for 1 minute
Between external power supply and analog output channel: 500VACrms for 1 minute | |||||
Insulation Resistance | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC
Between analog output channels: 10MΩ or higher, at 500 VDC
Between external power supply and analog output channel: 10MΩ or higher, 500 VDC | |||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | R60DA8-G: 16 points, 1 slot (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points)
R60DA16-G: 48 points, 2 slots (I/O assignment: Empty 16 points + Intelligent 32 points) | |||||
External Interface | 40-pin connectors | |||||
Applicable | A6CON1 and A6CON4 | 0.088 to 0.3² (28 to 22 AWG) (stranded wire) | ||||
A6CON2 | 0.088 to 0.24² (28 to 24 AWG) (stranded wire) | |||||
Connectors For External Devices | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 (sold separately) | |||||
External Power Supply | 24 VDC +20%, -15% | |||||
Ripple, spike 500mVp-p or lower | ||||||
Inrush current: R60DA8-G: 4.2A, 540µs or less; R60DA16-G: 4.2A, 540µs or less, for DC24V_1 and DC24V_2 respectively | ||||||
Current consumption: R60DA8-G: 0.36A; R60DA16-G: 0.70A | ||||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | R60DA8-G: 0.18A; R60DA16-G: 0.25A | |||||
External Dimensions | R60DA8-G: 106 x 27.8 x 110; R60DA16-G: 106 x 56 x 110 | |||||
Weight (kg) | R60DA8-G: 0.21; R60DA16-G: 0.32 | |||||
High Speed Analog Output Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Number of Analog Output Channels | 4 | ||||
Digital Input | 16-bit signed binary value (-32768 to 32767) | ||||
Analog Output Voltage | -10 to10VDC (external load resistance value 1kΩ or higher); 0 to 5VDC (external load resistance value 500Ω or higher) | ||||
Analog Output Current | 0 to 20mADC (external load resistance value 50 to 600Ω) | ||||
I/O Characteristics, Resolution | Analog Output Range | Digital Value | Resolution | ||
Voltage | 0 to 5V | 0 to 32000 | 156.3μV | ||
1 to 5V | 125.0μV | ||||
-10 to 10V | -32000 to 32000 | 312.5μV | |||
User range setting (voltage) | 312.5μV | ||||
Current | 0 to 20mA | 0 to 32000 | 625.0nA | ||
4 to 20mA | 500.0nA | ||||
User range setting (current) | -32000 to 32000 | 360.0nA | |||
Accuracy | Ambient Temperature 25±5 | Within ±0.1% (voltage ±10mV, current ±20μA) | |||
Ambient Temperature 0 to 55 | Within ±0.3% (voltage ±30mV, current ±60μA) | ||||
Operation Mode (Conversion Speed) | High speed output mode (conversion speed: 1μs/CH) | ||||
Output Response Time | Voltage output: Maximum 20μs (-10 to 10V, 2kΩ load); | ||||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings | 10000 times maximum | ||||
Output Short Circuit Protection | Equipped | ||||
Isolation Method | Between I/O terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler | ||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | ||||
External Interface | 18-point terminal block | ||||
Applicable Wire Size | 0.3 to 0.75 (22 to 18 AWG) | ||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 | ||||
External Power Supply | 24VDC +20%, -15%, Inrush current: 3.8A, 700μs or lower, | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.27A | ||||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 131 | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.2 |
Thermocouple Input Module
MODEL NUMBER | R60TD8-G | R60RD8-G | ||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Number of Analog Input Points | 8 points (8 channels) + Cold junction compensation channel per module | 8 points (8 channels) | ||
Output | Measured Temperature Value | 16-bit signed binary value (-2700 to 18200) | 6-bit signed binary value (-2000 to 8500) | |
Scaling Value | 16-bit signed binary value | |||
Thermocouple Compliance Standards | JIS C1602-1995, IEC 60584-1(1995), IEC60584-2(1982) | - | ||
Usable Thermocouples and Conversion Accuracy | For details, refer to User’s Manual | Pt100 (JIS C 1604-1997, IEC 751:1983);JPt100 | ||
Cold Junction Compensation Accuracy (*3) | ±1.0°C | - | ||
Accuracy (*1) | For details, refer to User’s Manual | - | ||
Resolution | B, R, S, N: 0.3°C; K, E, J, T: 0.1°C | 0.1 | ||
Conversion Speed (*2) | 30ms/channel | 10ms/channel | ||
Conversion Speed (*2) | Between Thermocouple Input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | Transformer isolation | - | |
Between Thermocouple Input Channels | Transformer isolation | |||
Withstand Voltage | Between Thermocouple Input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | ||
Between Thermocouple Input Channels | 1000 VAC rms for 1 minute | |||
Between RTD Input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | - | 500 VAC rms for 1 minute | ||
Between RTD Input Channels | 1000 VAC rms for 1 minute | |||
Insulation Resistance | Between Thermocouple Input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | 500 VDC 10MΩ or higher | - | |
Between Thermocouple Input Channels | 500 VDC 10MΩ or higher | |||
Between RTD input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | - | 500 VDC 10MΩ or higher | ||
Between RTD Input Channels | 500VDC 10MΩ or higher | |||
Temperature Measuring Range | Pt100 | - | -200 to 850°C | |
JPt100 | -180 to 600°C | |||
Ni100 | -60 to 250°C | |||
Pt50 | -200 to 650°C | |||
Conversion Accuracy | Pt100 | -200 to 850°C | - | ±0.8°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±2.4°C |
-20 to 120°C | ±0.3°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±1.1°C | |||
0 to 200°C | ±0.4°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±1.2°C | |||
JPt100 | -180 to 600°C | ±0.8°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±2.4°C | ||
-20 to 120°C | ±0.3°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±1.1°C | |||
0 to 200°C | ±0.4°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±1.2°C | |||
Ni100 | -60 to 250°C | ±0.4°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±1.2°C | ||
Pt50 | -200 to 650°C | ±0.8°C (ambient temperature: 25±5°C), ±2.4°C | ||
Isolation Method | Between RTD Input Channel and Programmable Controller Power Supply | - | Transformer isolation | |
Between RTD Input Channels | Transformer isolation | |||
Disconnection Detection | Built-in | |||
Number of Offset/Gain Settings (*4) | 50000 times maximum | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points) | |||
External Interface | 40-pin connector | |||
Applicable Wire Size | A6CON1 and A6CON4 | 0.088 to 0.3mm² (28 to 22 AWG) (stranded wire) | ||
A6CON2 | 0.088 to 0.24mm² (28 to 24 AWG) (stranded wire) | |||
Connector For External Devices | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 (sold separately) | |||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.36A | 0.35A | ||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.19 |
Температурные модули
Temperature Controller modules
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S | ||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||
Control Output | Transistor output | |||||
Number of Temperature Input Points | 4 channels/module | |||||
Applicable Thermocouple/Platinum Resistance Thermometer | R, K, J, T, S, B, E, N, U, L, PLII, W5Re/W26Re | Pt100, JPt100 | R, K, J, T, S, B, E, N, U, L, PLII, W5Re/W26Re | Pt100, JPt100 | ||
Accuracy | Indication Accuracy | Ambient Temperature: 25±5°C | Full scale x (±0.3%) | |||
Ambient Temperature: | Full scale x (±0.7%) | |||||
Cold Junction Temperature Compensation Accuracy (Ambient Temperature: 0 to 55°C) | Temperature Process Value: -100°C or Higher | Within ±1.0°C | - | Within ±1.0°C | - | |
Temperature Process Value: -150 to -100°C | Within ±2.0°C | Within ±2.0°C | ||||
Temperature Process Value: -200 to -150°C | Within ±3.0°C | Within ±3.0°C | ||||
Sampling Cycle | Switchable between 250ms/4 channels and 500ms/4 channels | |||||
Control Output Cycle | 0.5 to 100.0s | |||||
Input Impedance | 1MΩ | |||||
Input Filter | 0 to 100s (0: Input filter OFF) | |||||
Sensor Correction Value Setting | When the R mode is used (-(full scale of input range)) to full scale of input range) When the Q compatible function is used -50.00 to 50.00% | |||||
Operation at a Sensor Input Disconnection | Upscale processing | |||||
Temperature Control Method | PID ON/OFF pulse or two position control | |||||
PID Constants Range | PID Constants Setting | Setting by auto tuning is available. | ||||
Proportional Band (P) | When the R mode is used 0 (0.0) to full scale of input range (depending on the decimal point position) | |||||
Integral Time (I) | 0 to 3600s (Set 0 for P control and PD control.) | |||||
Derivative Time (D) | 0 to 3600s (Set 0 for P control and PI control.) | |||||
Set Value Setting Range | Within the temperature range set in the thermocouple/platinum resistance thermometer to be used | |||||
Dead Band Setting Range | When the R mode is used 0 (0.0) to full scale of input range (depending on the decimal point position) When the Q compatible function is used 0.1 to 10.0% | |||||
Transistor Output | Output Signal | ON/OFF pulse | ||||
Rated Load Voltage | 10 to 30VDC | |||||
Maximum Load Current | 0.1A/point, 0.4A/common | |||||
Maximum Inrush Current | 0.4A, 10ms | |||||
Leakage Current at OFF | 0.1mA or lower | |||||
Maximum Voltage Drop at ON | 1.0VDC (TYP) 0.1A, 2.5VDC (MAX) 0.1A | |||||
Response Time | OFF–ON: 2 ms or less, ON–OFF: 2 ms or less | |||||
Heater Disconnection Detection Specifications | Current Sensor | - | The following current sensors of URD, Ltd: CTL-12-S36-10 (0.0 to 100.0A), CTL-12-S56-10 (0.0 to 100.0A), CTL-6-P-H (0.00 to 20.00A), CTL-6-S-H (0.00 to 20.00A), CTL-12L-8 (0.0 to 100.0A) | |||
Input Accuracy | Full Scale x (±1.0%) | |||||
Number of Alert Delay | 3 to 255 times | |||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 16 Points | 32 Points | ||||
External Connection System | 18-point terminal block | 18-point terminal block x2 | ||||
Applicable Solderless Terminal | R1.25-3 (The solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve cannot be used) | |||||
Internal Current Consumption | 0.28A | 0.31A | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.22 | 0.34 | ||||
Base Unit Slots Occupied | 1 slot | 2 slots |
Модули движения и позиционирования
Simple Motion Module RD77MS Control Specifications
MODEL NUMBER | RD77MS16 | RD77MS8 | RD77MS4 | RD77MS2 | |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S | |
Number of Control Axes | Up to 16 axes | Up to 8 axes | Up to 4 axes | Up to 2 axes | |
Operation Cycle (Operation Cycle Settings) | 0.444ms, 0.888ms, 1.777ms, 3.555ms | ||||
Interpolation Function | Linear interpolation (Up to 4 axes), Circular interpolation (2 axes) | ||||
Control Modes | PTP (Point To Point) control, Trajectory control (both linear and arc), Speed control, Speed-position switching control, | ||||
Acceleration/Deceleration Process | Trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration, S-curve acceleration/deceleration | ||||
Compensation Function | Backlash compensation, Electronic gear, Near pass function | ||||
Synchronous Control | Synchronous encoder input, Cam, Phase Compensation, Cam auto-generation | ||||
Control Unit | mm, inch, degree, pulse | ||||
Number Of Positioning Data | 600 data (positioning data No. 1 to 600)/axis (Can be set with MELSOFT GX Works3 or a sequence program.) | ||||
Backup | Parameters, positioning data, and block start data can be saved on flash ROM (battery-less backup) | ||||
Home Position Return | Home Position Return Method | Proximity dog method, Count method 1, Count method 2, Data set method, Scale home position signal detection method | |||
Fast Home Position Return Control | Provided | ||||
Sub Functions | Home position return retry, Home position shift | ||||
Control | Linear Control | 1-axis linear control, 2-axis linear interpolation control, 3-axis linear interpolation control, 4-axis linear interpolation control | |||
Fixed-Pitch Feed Control | 1-axis fixed-pitch feed, 2-axis fixed-pitch feed, 3-axis fixed-pitch feed, | ||||
2-Axis Circular Interpolation | Sub point designation, center point designation | ||||
Speed Control | 1-axis speed control, 2-axis speed control, 3-axis speed control, 4-axis speed control | ||||
Speed-Position Switching Control | INC mode, ABS mode | ||||
Position-Speed Switching Control | INC mode | ||||
Current Value Change | Positioning data, Start No. for a current value changing | ||||
NOP Instruction | Provided | ||||
Jump Instruction | Unconditional JUMP, Conditional JUMP | ||||
Loop, Lend | Provided | ||||
High-Level Positioning Control | Block start, Condition start, Wait start, Simultaneous start, Repeated start | ||||
Manual Control | Jog Operation | Provided | |||
Inching Operation | Provided | ||||
Manual Pulse Generator | Possible to connect 1 module (Incremental), Unit magnification (1 to 10000 times) | ||||
Expansion Control | Speed-Torque Control | Speed control without positioning loops, Torque control, Tightening & press-fit control | |||
Absolute Position System | Made compatible by setting a battery to servo amplifier | ||||
Synchronous Encoder Interface | Up to 4 channels (Total of the internal interface, via PLC CPU interface, and servo amplifier interface) | ||||
Encoder Internal Interface | 1 channel (Incremental) | ||||
Functions That Limit Control | Speed Limit Function | Speed limit value, JOG speed limit value | |||
Torque Limit Function | Torque limit value_same setting, torque limit value_individual setting | ||||
Forced Stop | Valid/Invalid setting | ||||
Software Stroke Limit Function | Movable range check with current feed value, movable range check with machine feed value | ||||
Hardware Stroke Limit Function | Provided | ||||
Functions That Change Control Details | Speed Change Function | Provided | |||
Override Function | 0 to 300 [%] | ||||
Acceleration/Deceleration Time Change Function | Provided | ||||
Torque Change Function | Provided | ||||
Target Position Change Function | Target position address and speed are changeable | ||||
Other Functions | M-Code Output Function | WITH mode/AFTER mode | |||
Step Function | Deceleration unit step, Data No. unit step | ||||
Skip Function | Via PLC CPU, Via external command signal | ||||
Teaching Function | Provided | ||||
Parameter Initialization Function | Provided | ||||
External Input Signal Setting Function | Via internal interface, CPU, servo amplifier (FLS, RLS, DOG, and DI can be assigned with parameters.) | ||||
Event History Function | Provided | ||||
Amplifier-Less Operation Function | Provided | ||||
Mark Detection Function | Detection | Continuous Detection mode, Specified Number of Detections mode, Ring Buffer mode | |||
Mark Detection Signal | Up to 20 points | Up to 10 points | |||
Mark Detection Setting | 16 settings | ||||
Optional Data Monitor Function | 4 points/axis | ||||
Driver Communication Function | Provided | ||||
SSCNET Connect/Disconnect Function | Provided | ||||
Digital Oscilloscope Function | Bit Data | 16CH | |||
Word Data | 16CH |
Simple Motion Module RD77MS16/RD77MS8/RD77MS4/RD77MS2
MODEL NUMBER | RD77MS16 | RD77MS8 | RD77MS4 | RD77MS2 | ||
Servo Amplifier Connection Method | SSCNET III/H | |||||
Maximum Overall Cable Distance m (ft.) | 1600 (5249.34) | |||||
Maximum Distance Between Stations m (ft.) | 100 (328.08) | |||||
Peripheral I/F | Via CPU module (USB, Ethernet) | |||||
Manual Pulse Generator Operation Function | Possible to connect 1 module | |||||
Synchronous Encoder Operation Function | Possible to connect 4 modules (Total of the internal interface, via PLC CPU interface, and servo amplifier interface) | |||||
Input Signals (SIN) | Number Of Input Points | 20 points | 10 points | |||
Input Method | Positive common/Negative common shared | |||||
Rated Input Voltage/Current | 24 VDC/ Approx. 5 mA | |||||
Operating Voltage Range | 19.2 to 26.4 VDC | |||||
On Voltage/Current | 17.5 VDC or more/ 3.5 mA or more | |||||
Off Voltage/Current | 7 VDC or less/ 1.0 mA or less | |||||
Input Resistance | Approx. 6.8 kΩ | |||||
Response Time | 1 ms or less (OFF—ON, ON—OFF) | |||||
Recommended Wire Size | AWG24 (0.2 mm²) | |||||
Forced Stop Input Signal (EMI) | Number Of Input Points | 1 point | ||||
Input Method | Positive common/Negative common shared | |||||
Rated Input Voltage/Current | 24 VDC/ Approx. 5 mA | |||||
Operating Voltage Range | 19.2 to 26.4 VDC | |||||
On Voltage/Current | 17.5 VDC or more/ 3.5 mA or more | |||||
Off Voltage/Current | 7 VDC or less/ 1.0 mA or less | |||||
Input Resistance | Approx. 6.8 kΩ | |||||
Response Time | 1 ms or less (OFF–ON, ON–OFF) | |||||
Recommended Wire Size | AWG24 (0.2 mm²) | |||||
Manual Pulse Generator/ Incremental Synchronous Encoder Signal | Differential Output Type (26Ls31 Or Equivalent) | Input Pulse Frequency | Up to 1 Mpulse/s (After magnification by 4, up to 4 Mpulse/s) | |||
Pulse Width | 1μs or more | |||||
Leading Edge/Trailing Edge Time | 0.25μs or less | |||||
Phase Difference | 0.25μs or more | |||||
Rated Input Voltage | 5.5 VDC or less | |||||
High/Low-Voltage | 2.0 to 5.25 VDC/0 to 0.8 VDC | |||||
Differential Voltage | ±0.2V | |||||
Cable Length | Up to 30m (98.43ft.) | |||||
Voltage Output/ Open Collector Type (5VDC) | Input Pulse Frequency | Up to 200 kpulse/s (After magnification by 4, up to 800 kpulse/s) | ||||
Pulse Width | 5μs or more | |||||
Leading Edge/Trailing Edge Time | 1.2μs or less | |||||
Phase Difference | 1.2μs or more | |||||
Rated Input Voltage | 5.5 VDC or less | |||||
High/Low-Voltage | 3.0 to 5.25 VDC/2 mA or less, 0 to 1.0 VDC/5 mA or more | |||||
Cable Length | Up to 10m (32.81ft.) | |||||
Number Of I/O Occupying Points | 32 points (I/O allocation: Intelligent function module, 32 points) | |||||
Number Of Module Occupied Slots | 1 | |||||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption (A) | 1.0 | |||||
Weight (Kg) | 0.23 | 0.22 | ||||
Exterior Dimensions mm (inch) (H x W x D) | 106.0 x 27.8 x 110.0 (4.17 x 1.09 x 4.33) | |||||
R16MTCPU/R32MTCPU Motion CPUs for the iQ-R Platform
Motion SFC Program Capacity | Code Total (Motion SFC Chart + Operation Control +Transition) | 4096k bytes | ||
Motion SFC Program | Number of Motion SFC Programs | 256 (No. 0 to 255) | ||
Motion SFC Chart Size/Program | Up to 64k bytes (including Motion SFC chart comments) | |||
Number of Motion SFC Steps/Program | Up to 4094 steps | |||
Number of Selective Branches/Branch | 255 | |||
Number of Parallel Branches/Branch | 255 | |||
Parallel Branch Nesting | Up to 4 levels | |||
Operation Control Program (F/FS)/Transition Program (G) | Number of Operation Control Programs | 4096 with F (Once execution type) and FS (Scan execution type) combined (F/FS0 to F/FS4095) | ||
Number of Transition Programs | 4096 (G0 to G4095) | |||
Code Size/Program | Up to approx. 128k bytes (65534 steps) | |||
Number of Blocks (Line)/Program | Up to 8192 blocks (In the case of 8 steps (min)/block) | |||
Number of Characters/Block | Up to 1020 (Comment included) | |||
Number of Operand/Block | Up to 510 (Operand: Constants, Word devices, Bit devices) | |||
Nesting/Block | Up to 32 levels | |||
Expression | Operation Control Program | Calculation expression, Bit conditional expression and branches, Repetition process | ||
Transition Program | Calculation expression, Bit conditional expression, Comparison conditional expression | |||
Execute Specification | Number of Multi Executed Programs | Up to 256 | ||
Number of Multi Active Steps | Up to 256 steps per all programs | |||
Normal Task | Executed in Motion main cycle | |||
Event Task (Execution Can Be Masked) | Fixed Cycle | Executed in fixed cycle (0.222ms, 0.444ms, 0.888ms, 1.777ms, 3.555ms, 7.111ms, 14.222ms) | ||
External Interrupt | Executes when the input set to the event task factor in the input module controlled by the Motion CPU | |||
PLC Interrupt | Executed with interrupt instruction (D(P).GINT, M(P).GINT) from PLC CPU | |||
NMI Task | Executes when the input set to the NMI task factor in the input module controlled by the Motion CPU | |||
Number of Device Points | IO (X/Y) | 12,288 points | ||
Internal Relays (M) | 12,288 points | |||
Link Relays (B) | 8,192 points | |||
Annunciators (F) | 2,048 points | |||
Special Relays (SM) | 4,096 points | |||
Data Registers (D) | 20,480 points | |||
Link Registers (W) | 8,192 points | |||
Special Registers (SD) | 4,096 points | |||
Motion Registers (#) | 12,288 points | |||
CPU Buffer Memory (U3E_\G) | Up to 2,097,152 points | |||
CPU Buffer Memory (Fixed-Cycle Communication Area)(U3E_\Hg) | Up to 12,288 points | |||
Module Access(U_\G) | Up to 268,435,456 points |
Motion CPU Module R32MTCPU/R16MTCPU
Servo Amplifier Connection Method | SSCNET III/H (2 lines) | SSCNET III/H (1 line) | |
Maximum Overall Cable Distance m (ft) | 1600 (5249.34) | ||
Maximum Distance Between Stations m (ft) | 100 (328.08) | ||
SSCNET Communication | Number of SSCNET III/H Head Module | Up to 8 stations | Up to 4 stations |
Peripheral I/F (Ethernet) | Data Transmission Speed | 100Mbps/10Mbps | |
Transmission Method | Base band | ||
Cable Length m (ft) | Up to 30 (98.43) | ||
Memory Card Slot | SD/SDHC memory card compatible | ||
Memory Capacity | Standard ROM | 12 M bytes | |
SD Memory Card | Memory card capacity (Up to 32 GB) | ||
Extension Base Unit | Memory card capacity (Up to 32 GB) | ||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption (A) | 1.20 | ||
Weight (kg) | 0.28 | ||
Exterior Dimensions H x W x D mm (inch) | 106.0 x 27.8 x 110.0 (4.17 x 1.09 x 4.33) |
Positioning Modules
MODEL NUMBER | RD75P2 | RD75D2 | RD75P4 | RD75D4 | |
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | S | |
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Number of Controlled Axes | 2 axes | 4 axes | |||
Interpolation Function | 2-axis linear interpolation | 2-, 3-, or 4-axis linear interpolation | |||
Control Method | PTP (Point To Point) control, path control (line, arc, and helix can be set), speed control, speed-position switching control, position-speed switching control | ||||
Control Unit | mm, inch, degree, pulse | ||||
Positioning Data | 600 data/axis | ||||
Module Data Backup Function | Positioning data, and block start data can be saved on the flash ROM (battery-less backup) | ||||
Positioning | Positioning System | PTP control: Incremental system/absolute system | |||
Speed-position switching control: Incremental system/absolute system | |||||
Position-speed switching control: Incremental system | |||||
Path control: Incremental system/absolute system | |||||
Positioning Range | In absolute system: -214748364.8 to 214748364.7µm; -21474.83648 to 21474.83647 inch | ||||
Speed Command | 0.01 to 20000000.00mm/min; 0.001 to 2000000.000inch/min | ||||
Acceleration/Deceleration Processing | Trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration, S-curve acceleration/deceleration | ||||
Acceleration/Deceleration Time | 1 to 8388608ms (Four patterns can be set for each of acceleration time and deceleration time) | ||||
Sudden Stop Deceleration Time | 1 to 8388608ms | ||||
Start Time | 1-Axis Linear Control | 0.3ms (1.5ms) (*8) | |||
1-Axis Speed Control | 0.3ms (1.5ms) (*8) | ||||
2-Axis Linear Interpolation Control (Composite Speed) | 0.45ms (1.5ms) (*8) | ||||
2-Axis Linear Interpolation Control (Reference Axis Speed) | 0.45ms (1.5ms) (*8) | ||||
2-Axis Circular Interpolation Control | 0.63ms (2.0ms) (*8) | ||||
2-Axis Speed Control | 0.63ms (2.0ms) (*8) | ||||
3-Axis Linear Interpolation Control (Composite Speed) | 0.93ms (1.7ms) (*8) | ||||
3-Axis Linear Interpolation Control (Reference Axis Speed) | 0.93ms (1.7ms) (*8) | ||||
3-Axis Helical Interpolation Control | 1.8ms (2.6ms) (*8) | ||||
3-Axis Speed Control | 0.93ms (1.7ms) (*8) | ||||
4-Axis Linear Control | 1.08ms (1.8ms) (*8) | ||||
4-Axis Speed Control | 1.08ms (1.8ms) (*8) | ||||
Quick Start Function | Start With the Positioning Start Signal | 8µs | |||
Start With the External Command Signal | 20µs | ||||
Start Time Adjustment Function | 0.00 to 10000.00ms (0.01ms unit) | ||||
Start Time When the Inter-Module Synchronization Function is Used (*6) | 8µs | ||||
External Connections | 40-pin connector | ||||
Applicable Wire Size | When A6CON1 or A6CON4 is Used | 0.088mm² to 0.3mm² (28 to 22 AWG) stranded wire | |||
When A6CON2 is Used | 0.088mm² to 0.24mm² (28 to 24 AWG) stranded wire | ||||
External Wiring Connector | A6CON1, A6CON2, A6CON4 (sold separately) | ||||
Maximum Output Pulse | 200000 pulse/s | 5000000 pulse/s | 200000 pulse/s | 5000000 pulse/s | |
Manual Pulse Generator Input Maximum Frequency | 1000 pulse/s | ||||
Manual Pulse Generator 1 Pulse Input Magnification | 1 to 10000 times | ||||
Maximum Connection Distance Between Servos | 2m | 10m | 2m | 10m | |
Number of Write Accesses to a Flash ROM | 100000 times maximum | ||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 32 points) | ||||
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.38A | 0.54A | 0.42A | 0.78A | |
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | ||||
Weight (kg) | 0.14 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.15 |
Информационные модули
MES Interface Module Functions
Device Memory Read/Write | Reads/writes device memory data of the CPU module | |
Trigger Condition Monitoring | Monitors values of the time or device tag components etc., and starts jobs when a trigger condition changes from false to true (the condition is satisfied) | |
Data Operation and Processing | Performs four arithmetic operations, obtains remainder, performs character string operation, etc. | |
Program Execution | Executes a program on the server through a MES Interface module | |
DB Buffering | Buffers the data sent to the database, and resend it after recovery, when the data cannot be linked due to the disconnection of the network between MES Interface module and the database or failure of the database etc. | |
Setup Software: MES Interface Function Configuration Tool | MX-MESIF-R-C1 (iQ-R Series MES Interface Configuration Tool Single License) |
High Speed Data Logger
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Accessible CPU Modules | iQ-R Series (Direct, Remote), Q Series (Remote), L Series (Remote) | |
Data Sampling Interval | High-speed Data Sampling (ms) | Sequence scan time synchronization; 0.5...0.9, 1...32767 (for trigger logging); 2...32767 (for continuous logging) |
General Data Sampling (s) | 0.1...0.9, 1...32767; Time interval specification (specify hour/minute/second) | |
Amount of Sampled Data | High-speed Data Sampling | Overall amount of data: 32768 (per setting: 1024); Overall number of device points: 32768 (per setting: 4096) |
General Data Sampling | Overall amount of data: 65536 (per setting: 1024); Overall amount of data: 262144 (per setting: 4096) | |
Function | Data logging Logs CPU module device values at specified data sampling intervals. Event logging Monitors sampled device values from the CPU module, and logs events that occur. Report Outputs the data sampled by the high speed data logger module as an Excel® file. | |
Recipe | Executes the following operations using recipe files stored in the SD memory card: Transfer device values written on the recipe files to devices in the CPU module; Transfer device values in the CPU module to the recipe files. |
Transmission and Interface Specifications
Data Transmission Rate | 1 Gbps | 100 Mbps | 10 Mbps | |
Transmission Method | Base band | |||
Number of Cascade Connections (When Using a Repeater Hub) | – | Maximum 2 stages | Maximum 4 stages | |
Maximum Segment Length | 100 m (distance between hub and node) | |||
Supported Function | Auto-negotiation (automatic recognition of communication speed/communication method) | |||
IP Version | IPv4 supported | |||
SD Memory Card Slot | Supply Power Voltage | 3.3 VDC | ||
Supply Power Capacity | Up to 200 mA | |||
Interface | SD memory card/SDHC memory card | |||
Number of Insertable Cards | 1 card | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 32 points) | |||
Clock | Obtained from a CPU module (in multiple CPU system, CPU No.1). Time accuracy after obtaining the time, daily error of ±9.504 seconds | |||
5VDC Internal Current Consumption | 1.1 A | |||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.24 |
Модули коммуникации
Ethernet Modules
| |||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Transmission Specifications | Data Transmission Speed | 1Gbps/100Mbps/10Mbps | 1Gbps(*1)/100Mbps/10Mbps | 100Mbps/10Mbps | |
Communication Mode | 1000BASE-T | Full-duplex | - | ||
100BASE-TX | Full-duplex/half-duplex | ||||
10BASE-T | Full-duplex/half-duplex | ||||
Interface | RJ45 connector (Auto MDI/MDI-X) | ||||
Transmission Method | Base band | ||||
Maximum Frame Size | 1518 bytes
9022 bytes (when jumbo frames are used) | 1518 bytes | |||
Jumbo Frame | Available | Not available | |||
Maximum Segment Length | 100m (length between hub and node) (*2) | ||||
Number of Cascade Connections | 1000BASE-T | (*3) | - | ||
100BASE-TX | 2 levels maximum (*4) | ||||
10BASE-T | 4 levels maximum (*4) | ||||
IP Version | Compatible with IPv4 | ||||
Sending/ Receiving Data Storage Memory | Number of Simultaneous Open Connections | 128 connections (connections usable on a program) | 16 connections (connections usable on a program) | ||
Fixed Buffer | 5K words x 16 | 1K words x 16 | - | ||
Socket Communications | 5K words x 48 (when only P1 is used) 5K words x 112 (when P1 and P2 are used) | - | 5K words x 16 | ||
Random Access Buffer | 6K words x 1 | ||||
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 |
CC-Link IE Control Modules
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||
Maximum Number of Link Points Per Network | LB | 32K points (32768 points, 4K bytes) | |
LW | 128K points (131072 points, 256K bytes) | ||
LX | 8K points (8192 points, 1K bytes) | ||
LY | 8K points (8192 points, 1K bytes) | ||
Maximum Number of Link Points Per Station | LB | 16K points (16384 points, 2K bytes), extended mode: 32K points (32768 points, 4K bytes) | |
LW | 16K points (16384 points, 32K bytes), extended mode: 128K points (131072 points, 256K bytes) | ||
LX | 8K points (8192 points, 1K bytes) | ||
LY | 8K points (8192 points, 1K bytes) | ||
Transient Transmission Capacity | 1920 bytes maximum | ||
Communication Speed | 1Gbps | ||
Network Topology | Duplex loop | Line topology, star topology (coexistence of line topology and star topology is also possible), and ring topology | |
Communication Cable | Optical fiber cable which satisfies 1000BASE-SX standard: | Ethernet cable which satisfies 1000BASE-T standard: Category 5e or higher, straight cable (double shielded, STP) | |
Maximum Station-To-Station Distance | 550m (when the outside diameter of the core is 50µm)
275m (when the outside diameter of the core is 62.5µm) | 100m (conforms to ANSI/TIA/ | |
Overall Cable Distance | 66000m (when 120 stations are connected and the outside diameter of the core is 50µm)
33000m (when 120 stations are connected and the outside diameter of the core is 62.5µm) | Line topology: 11900m (when 120 stations are connected) Star topology: Depends on the system configuration
Ring topology: 12000m (when 120 stations are connected) | |
Number of Cascade Connections | - | 20 levels maximum | |
Maximum Number of Connectable Stations | 120 stations (control station: 1, normal station: 119) (*1) | ||
Maximum Number of Networks | 239 | ||
Maximum Number of Groups | 32 | ||
Communication Method | Token ring | Token passing | |
Optical Fiber Specifications | Standard: IEEE802.3, IEC 60793-2-10 Types A1a.1
Outside diameter of the core/clad: 50µm, 62.5µm/125µm
Transmission loss: 3.0dB/km or lower
Transmission band: 500MHz•km or higher (l=850nm) | - | |
Connector Specifications | Duplex LC connector: Standard: IEC 61754-20 Type LC connector; Connection loss: 0.3dB or lower | RJ45 connector | |
Laser Class (IEC60825-1) | Class 1 laser product | - | |
Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | 106 x 27.8 x 110 |
Note: When using a CC-Link IE Controller Network-equipped module in a normal station, maximum number of connectible stations differs depending on the CPU module used in a control station. For details, refer to User’s Manual for the control station used.
CC-Link IE Field Modules
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | |||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | ||||
Maximum Number of Link Points Per Network | RX | 16K points (16384 points, 2K bytes) | |||
RY | 16K points (16384 points, 2K bytes) | ||||
RWr | 8K points (8192 points, 16K bytes) | ||||
RWw | 8K points (8192 points, 16K bytes) | ||||
Maximum Number of Link Points Per Station | Master Station | RX | 16K points (16384 points, 2K bytes) | ||
RY | 16K points (16384 points, 2K bytes) | ||||
RWr | 8K points (8192 points, 16K bytes) | ||||
RWw | 8K points (8192 points, 16K bytes) | ||||
When the Submaster Function is Used | Master Operating Station | RX | 16K points | ||
RY | 16K points (Own station send range is 2K points) | ||||
RWr | 8K points | ||||
RWw | 8K points (Own station send range is 1024 points.) 8K points when communication mode is “High-Speed” (Own station send range is 256 points) | ||||
Submaster Operating Station | RX | 2K points (assigned to station # 0 or submaster station) | |||
RY | 2K points (assigned to station # 0 or submaster station) | ||||
RWr | 1024 points (assigned to station # 0 or submaster station) 256 points when communication mode is “High-Speed” | ||||
RWw | 1024 points (assigned to station # 0 or submaster station) 256 points when communication mode is “High-Speed | ||||
Local Station (*1) | RX | 2K points (2048 points, 256 bytes) | |||
RY | 2K points (2048 points, 256 bytes) | ||||
RWr | 1K points (1024 points, 2K bytes) 256 points (512 bytes) when communication mode is “High-Speed” | ||||
RWw | 1K points (1024 points, 2K bytes) 256 points (512 bytes) when communication mode is “High-Speed” | ||||
Transient Transmission Capacity | 1920 bytes maximum | ||||
Communication Speed | 1Gbps | ||||
Network Topology | Line topology, star topology (coexistence of line topology and star topology is also possible), and ring topology | ||||
Communication Cable | Ethernet cable which satisfies 1000BASE-T standard: Category 5e or higher, straight cable (double shielded, STP) | ||||
Maximum Station-to-Station Distance | 100m (conforms to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B (Category 5e)) | ||||
Overall Cable Distance | Line topology: 12000m (when 121 stations are connected) • Star topology: Depends on the system configuration
Ring topology: 12100m (when 121 stations are connected) | ||||
Number of Cascade Connections | 20 levels maximum | ||||
Maximum Number of Connectible Stations | 121 stations (master station: 1, slave station: 120) | ||||
Maximum Number of Networks | 239 | ||||
Communication Method | Token passing | ||||
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 |
CC-Link IE Field Remote Head Module
The CC-Link IE Field Remote Head module can be mounted on a main base unit, to the right of the power supply module.
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Maximum Number of Link Points/Station | RX | 2K points (2048 points, 256 bytes) |
RY | 2K points (2048 points, 256 bytes) | |
RWr | 1K points (1024 points, 2K bytes) | |
RWw | 1K points (1024 points, 2K bytes) | |
Station Type | Intelligent Device Station (Slave) | |
Station Number | 1 to 120 | |
Network Number | 1 to 239 | |
Communication Speed | 1Gbps | |
Network Topology | Line, start, ring | |
Communication Cable | Ethernet cable which satisfies 1000BASE-T standard: Category 5e or higher, straight cable (double shielded, STP) | |
Max Station-to-Station Distance | 100m | |
Internal Current Consumption 5VDC | 0.75A | |
Weight (kg) | 0.2 | |
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm | 27.8 x 106 x 110 |
CC-Link Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Transmission Speed | Selected from 156kbps, 625kbps, 2.5Mbps, 5Mbps, and 10Mbps | |
Maximum Number of Connectible Modules | 64 | |
Number of Occupied Stations (Local Station) | 1 to 4 stations (The number of stations can be changed using the engineering tool) | |
Maximum Number of Link Points Per System | CC-Link Ver.1 | Remote I/O (RX, RY): 2048 points; Remote register (RWw): 256 points (master station – remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station); Remote register (RWr): 256 points (remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station – master station) |
CC-Link Ver.2 | Remote I/O (RX, RY): 8192 points; Remote register (RWw): 2048 points (master station — remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station); Remote register (RWr): 2048 points (remote device station/local station/intelligent device station/standby master station – master station) | |
Communication Method | Broadcast polling method | |
Synchronization Method | Frame synchronization method | |
Encoding Method | NRZI method | |
Network Topology | Bus (RS-485) | |
Transmission Format | HDLC compliant | |
Error Control System | CRC (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1) | |
Connection Cable | Ver.1.10-compatible CC-Link dedicated cable | |
Maximum Overall Cable Length | Depends on the transmission speed | |
RAS Function | Standby master station • Automatic return function • Slave station cutoff function
Error detection using link special relay areas (SB) and link special register areas (SW) | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points | |
Internal Current Consumption (5 VDC) | 0.34A | |
Weight (kg) | 0.16 |
DeviceNet Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
Master Function | Node Type | DeviceNet master | ||
Node Address | 0 to 63 | |||
Number of Connections | Message Connection | 63 | ||
I/O Connection | 63 (polling, bit strobe, change of state, cyclic) | |||
Communication Data Size | I/O Communication | Transmit | Max. 4096 points (512 bytes), max. 256 bytes per node | |
Receive | Max. 4096 points (512 bytes), max. 256 bytes per node | |||
Message Communication | Transmit | Max. 240 bytes | ||
Receive | Max. 240 bytes | |||
Slave Function | Node Type | DeviceNet slaves (Group2 server) | ||
Node Address | 0 to 63 | |||
Number of Connections | I/O Connection | 1 (polling) | ||
Communication Data Size | I/O Communication | Transmit | Max. 1024 points (128 bytes) | |
Receive | Max. 1024 points (128 bytes) | |||
Communication Speed | Selectable from 125kbaud, 250kbaud, and 500kbaud | |||
Current Consumption Required on the Network | 5mA | |||
Number of Write Accesses to a Flash ROM | Max. 100000 times | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 | |||
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 0.30A | |||
Dimensions (H x D x W) | 106x27.8x118.5 | |||
Weight | 0.15 |
Profinet Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Data Exchange | Maximum Input Data Length Per Network | 4096 words |
Maximum Output Data Length Per Network | 4096 words | |
Maximum Input Data Length Per IO Device | 1437 bytes | |
Maximum Output Data Length Per IO Device | 1437 bytes | |
Cycle Time | 512ms maximum; 1ms minimum (*1) | |
Service Interface | Maximum Transmission Capacity Per Request | 4116 bytes |
Maximum Number of Connectable IO Devices | 128 | |
Transmission Specifications | Data Transmission Speed (*2) | 1Gbps/100Mbps/10Mbps |
Communication Mode | Full-duplex | |
Interface | RJ45 connector (Auto-negotiation, AUTO MDI/MDI-X) | |
Transmission Method | Base band | |
Maximum Segment Length | 100m (length between hub and node) (*3) | |
Number of Cascade Connections | Consult the manufacturer of the switching hub used | |
IP Version | IPv4 | |
Communication Processing Performance | Maximum 8000 packets (frames)/second (*4) | |
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 | |
Internal Current Consumption (5VDC) | 1.09A | |
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 (Base unit mounting side: 98) x 27.8 x 110 | |
Weight (kg) | 0.24 |
iQ-R CANopen Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |
Transmission type | CAN bus network (RS-485, CSMA/CR) | |
Applicable function | CANopen node
CAN node | |
CANopen communication services that are compliant with the CiA standards | CiA-301 V4.2
CiA-302 V4.1
CiA-305 V2.2 | |
CANopen device/application profiles that are compliant with the CiA standards | Interface and device profile CiA-405 V2.0 for IEC 61131-3 programmable devices | |
Remote transmit request (RTR) | CANopen 405 mode: Not supported for PDO
11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode and 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode: Supported | |
Amount of communication data (CANopen 405 mode) | TPDO | 4 words x 256 |
RPDO | 4 words x 256 | |
Frame format (11-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode, 29-bit CAN-ID Layer 2 message mode) | The standard format (11-bit CAN-ID) or extended format (29-bit CAN-ID) can be selected. | |
Node ID | Selectable from 1 to 127 | |
Communication method | Acyclic, cyclic, or event-driven | |
Baud rate | 1Mbps/800kbps/500kbps/250kbps/125kbps/100kbps/50kbps/20kbps/10kbps | |
Maximum cable length | 5000m (when used at 10kbps)
2500m (when used at 20kbps)
1000m (when used at 50kbps)
600m (when used at 100kbps)
500m (when used at 125kbps)
250m (when used at 250kbps)
100m (when used at 500kbps)
50m (when used at 800kbps)
25m (when used at 1Mbps) | |
Connection cable | The CAN bus cable should conform to ISO 11898 | |
Interface | Two-piece pluggable terminal block | |
Number of write accesses to a flash ROM | Hundred thousand times at a maximum | |
Number of occupied I/O points | 32 | |
Internal current consumption (5VDC) | 0.33A | |
Dimensions | 106 (Base unit mounting side: 98mm) x 27.8 x 118.5 | |
Weight (kg) | 0.14 |
iQ-R OPC Server Module
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||
SD Memory Card Slot | Interface | SD memory card/SDHC memory card (2 GB to 16 GB) | ||
Power Supply | +3.3 VDC, up to 200 mA | |||
Ethernet Port | Number of Channels | 2 | ||
Interface (*1) | 1000BASE-T | 100BASE-TX | 10BASE-T | |
Data Transmission Rate | 1000 Mbps | 100 Mbps | 10 Mbps | |
Number of Cascaded Stages (*2) | - | Maximum 2 stages | Maximum 4 stages | |
Communication Mode | Full-duplex/half-duplex | |||
Transmission Method | Base band | |||
Maximum Segment Length (*3) | 100 m (length between a hub and a node) | |||
Applicable Connector for External Wiring | RJ45 Auto-negotiation (automatic recognition of 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
Auto-MDI/MDI-X (automatic recognition of a straight/crossing cable) | |||
Supported Function | Auto-negotiation (automatic recognition of 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
Auto-MDI/MDI-X (automatic recognition of a straight/crossing cable) | |||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points/slot (I/O assignment: Intelli. 32 points) | |||
Clock | Acquired from a CPU module (CPU No.1 in a multiple CPU system) | |||
5 VDC Internal Current Consumption | 1.25 A | |||
External Dimensions | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | |||
Weight (kg) | 0.25 |
Serial Communication Modules
MODEL NUMBER | RJ71C24 | RJ71C24-R2 | RJ71C24-R4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STOCKED ITEM | S | S | S | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certification | UL • cUL • CE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interface | CH1 | RS-232-compliance | RS-232-compliance | RS-422/485-compliance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CH2 | RS-422/485-compliance | RS-232-compliance | RS-422/485-compliance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Communication Method | Line | Full-duplex/half-duplex communications | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MC Protocol Communication | Half-duplex communications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Predefined Protocol Communication | Full-duplex/half-duplex communications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol Communication | Full-duplex/half-duplex communications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bidirectional Protocol Communication | Full-duplex/half-duplex communications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Synchronization Method | Start-stop synchronization method | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmission Speed | 1200/2400/4800/9600/14400/19200/28800/38400/57600/115200/230400(bps) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data Format | Start Bits | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Data Bits | 7/8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parity Bits | 1 (vertical parity) or none | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stop Bits | 1/2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Access Cycle | MC Protocol Communication | Processes one request during the END processing of the CPU module of the station with the C24 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Predefined Protocol Communication | Sends or receives data when requested with the dedicated instruction (CPRTCL) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol Communication Bidirectional Protocol Communication | Sends each time a send request is issued. Can receive at any time | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Error Detection |
• MC protocol communication: Select with parameters.
• Predefined protocol communication: Select with the Predefined protocol support function.
• Nonprocedural protocol communication: Set with user frames.
• Bidirectional protocol communication: Select with parameters.
• Parity check: Select odd/even of parity bit (vertical bit) with parameters. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmission Control |
• DTR/DSR signal control and DC code control are selected by the user. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line Configuration for Connection (Target Device side: CPU Module Side) (*1) | RS-232 | 1:1 | 1:1 | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-422/485 | 1:1, 1:n, n:1, m:n | - | 1:1, 1:n, n:1, m:n | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line Configuration for Data Communication (Target Device Side: CPU Module Side) | RS-232 | MC Protocol Communication | 1:1 | 1:1 | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Predefined Protocol Communication | 1:1 | 1:1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol Communication | 1:1 | 1:1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bidirectional Protocol Communication | 1:1 | 1:1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-422/ 485 | MC Protocol communication | 1:1, 1:n, m:n | - | 1:1, 1:n, m:n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Predefined Protocol Communication | 1:1, n:1 | 1:1, n:1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nonprocedural Protocol Communication | 1:1, 1:n, m:n | 1:1, 1:n, m:n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bidirectional Protocol Communication | 1:1 | 1:1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmission Distance (Overall Distance) | RS-232 | Maximum 15 m | Maximum 15 m | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS-422/485 | Maximum 1200 m (overall distance) | - | Maximum 1200 m (overall distance) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of Occupied I/O Points | 32 points (I/O assignment: Intelli: 32 points) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Applicable Connector for External Wiring | D-sub 9 pin (male) screw type (*2) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 VDC Internal Current Consumption | 0.31 A | 0.20 A | 0.42 A | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
External Dimensions (H x W x D) mm | 106 x 27.8 x 110 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight (kg) | 0.16 | 0.14 | 0.13 |
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Больше возможностей для малых систем
Хотя этот ПЛК предназначен для систем небольшого масштаба, FX3G обладает эффективной комбинацией важных особенностей, а также рядом функций, которых не ожидаешь встретить в контроллерах подобного уровня. К ним относятся: большая память программы для выполнения сложных алгоритмов, вполне достаточный объем памяти для хранения и регистрации данных или рецептур плюс высокая скорость выполнения алгоритмов, повышающая производительность системы. Архитектура с двумя шинами расширения обеспечивает гибкие возможности расширения за счет возможности устанавливать дополнительные модули ввода/вывода, а также коммуникационные модули.

Серия FX3U - третье поколение успешного семейства компактных ПЛК компании Mitsubishi Electric. Новые контроллеры снабжены второй шиной расширения, расположенной с левой стороны контроллера и предназначенной для подключения до 10 дополнительных модулей-адаптеров.
Кроме того, FX3U обладают впечатляющим быстродействием (0,065 мкс на логическую инструкцию), значительно увеличенной системой команд (общее количество – 209) и улучшенными функциями и модулями, особенно для задач позиционирования. Другие достижения заключаются в расширении возможностей связи с Ethernet, USB и RS-422.
Усовершенствования в сетевой поддержке привели к увеличению максимального числа каналов ввода/вывода до 384.

MELSEC System Q: огромная производительность контроллеров этой серии позволяет использовать их в областях, которые прежде были недостижимы для контроллеров.
Требования к производственным установкам растут изо дня в день. Очередное поколение MELSEC System Q со временем обработки в наносекундном диапазоне может резко повысить производительность системы и машины.